Introduction to Essays

Introduction To Essays


The following was found in the book “The Coming Anarchy” by Robert D Kaplan,. Published 2000

“. . . we are no longer in a world where the old rules of state warfare apply. More evidence is provided by the destruction of medieval monuments in the Croatian port of Dubrovnik: when cultures, rather than states, fight, then cultural and religious monuments are weapons of war, making them fair game.”

Here Kaplan quotes Martin van Crevald, a military historian at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, author of “The Transformation of War”. . . . Once the legal monopoly of armed force, long claimed by the state, is wrested out of its hands, existing distinctions between war and crime will break down much as is already the case today in . . . Lebanon, Sri Lanka, El Salvador, Peru, or Columbia.” [And I will add it is happening in the United States and the West at this time The left is purposely bringing it about. Be it noted El Salvador solved their gang problem quickly.]

Kaplan wrote: “If crime and war become indistinguishable, the “national defense” may in the future be viewed as a local concept. As crime continues to grow in our cities and the ability of state governments and criminal justice systems to protect their citizens diminishes, urban crime may, according to van Creveld, ‘develop into low intensity conflict by coalescing along racial, religious, social, and political lines.’ As small-scale violence multiplies at home and abroad, state armies will continue to shrink, being gradually replaced by a booming private security business, as in West Africa, and by urban mafias, especially in the former communist world, who may be better equipped than municipal police forces to grant physical protection to local inhabitants.

Kaplan goes on and says: “Future wars will be those of communal survival, aggravated or, in many cases, caused by environmental scarcity. These wars will be subnational, meaning that it will be hard for states and local governments to protect their own citizens physically. This is how many states will ultimately die. As state power fades – and with it the state’s ability to help weaker groups within society, not to mention other states – peoples and cultures around the world will be thrown back upon their own strengths and weaknesses, with fewer equalizing mechanisms to protect them. . . . “

As you read his words keep in mind the Democrat Party is advocating reducing military and law enforcement. Sanders has proposed cutting 80 billion from the defense budget. This at a time when China is building their military and has surpassed us in some areas of defense and the economy. Many are calling to defund or even abolish both police and prisons when crime, much of it violent, is increasing rapidly. Democrats have also elected district attorneys that actually promote crime and hinder law enforcement. Think of the ramifications of those actions and reread the above quotes. If we don’t take action the world, our world, is going to radically change for the worse. It seems many of the young now days don’t know right from wrong. They argue that math is racist. They argue something as inflexible as math and say 2+2=5. Being on time is racist. Saying Good Morning is racist. Holding hands is racist. They don’t even know the difference between a man and a woman.


During my education I was fortunate to have had two teachers that taught students how to think, or at least they pushed whatever buttons that trigger the process. In high school I had two political classes taught by the same teacher.  He wrote in my annual “Thinking  is very difficult, you meet so many that can’t, you meet so many that won’t, you will be alone.” I now understand what he meant and that is the reason for this site. He taught one how to trace history back to find the origins of present problems and find the hidden or seemingly unrelated facts and events that led us to where we are. He also introduced us to Oswald Spengler who wrote the thought provoking “Decline of the West” and in it Spengler felt the future could be predetermined and If the future can be predetermined then it would be possible to alter events and prevent a foreseeable disaster. Another teacher I had in college when explaining the class said he did not place the emphasis on rote memory but wanted to teach us to think. He told us the class isn’t over at the end of the semester he said “the class is over when you die.

In the essays I will, as I previously have done, often use quotes from authors much smarter and more eloquent than I am. I will also post many links that you can refer to. Some may seem unrelated but I will try to weave them all together as I get towards the end and hopefully they make sense.


 I have often said and say in numerous Essays the US is on the verge of collapse and will collapse without draconian measures. At this moment it IS collapsing. I realized how fragile civilizations were, and are, while standing at the base of pyramids in Mexico. I have always been fascinated by ancient civilizations many of which accomplished feats we could not do today. (While we might technologically be able to do some of them we could never get through the red tape with how our incredibly complex, and often absurd, bureaucracy has become.) Some of them were very large and very advanced. They may not have had automobiles, airplanes and computers, and the objects of our most intimate love-cellphones but they were quite sophisticated and organized but even so they collapsed. In Tikal, Guatemala they did a recent flyover and sent down signals that gave the topography of the land and discovered there are over 60,000 man-made structures still covered and buried in the surrounding jungle. Wrap your mind around that. All civilizations collapse due to almost identical reasons. Reasons that are slightly different when adjusted for differences in technology and culture but basically the same at the core.

Driving through the surrounding countryside made me also realize the Mayans suffered a social, economic, environmental, military and intellectual collapse all rolled into one event, probably like a collapsing chain of dominoes arranged in a circle where the last domino to fall lands on the one that fell first. Human nature has not changed all that much since the beginning of time. Our science is making the prospect of altering that human nature very real. Social scientists, business interests, and the shadowy agencies that make up governments, (both ours and the world’s,) have been studying and researching it and altering it gradually for decades. Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum said humans were hackable. (link in the Opening Note essay section 17). Our future is frightening. Our present predicaments have been foretold in writings from the Judaeo-Christian Bibles, the religious writings of other major religions and in much science fiction. We never listen. We never learn.


The intelligence level of humanity, at least in the West, is declining. With our eyes focused on televisions, computers or as I said the true love of all of our lives: cellphones our ability to reason and think is being dulled and diminished. ( I am not singling anyone out as I fall into that category too. If I forget my phone I get the urge to go into a fetal position in a corner somewhere and suck my thumb.) In the opening note I posted a video of the difference between Tik Tok in China and in the US. Our lack of discipline, declining morals, the use of drugs  (both legal and illegal) and our mindless entertainment all are both symptoms and causes of, if not altered, our pending doom. Looking back for clues to the beginning of the decline of Ancient Rome they could be first noticed in their declining literature. Since today reading and writing anything worth reading and writing about are becoming things of the past ours can be seen not in books but in our entertainment. (Actually reading anything at all is becoming a thing of the past.) The mindless “groupthink” of celebrities, media and sports figures and the mindless “groupthink” of many of our college students and professors make that apparent. “Groupthinking” has replaced critical thinking and independent thinking. Television and cinema, our substitutes for cerebral stimulation, have gone from “Star Trek” and “Law and Order”, shows that actually had thinking and intellectual substance behind them, to shows of such mindless entertainment as “Honey Boo Boo”, “Hip Hop Nation”, “Life After Lockup”, and “Marriage Boot Camp”. (We have descended to such a low level in many cases the commercials, called infomercials, have become the entertainment.) Our musical entertainment has also become a substitute for intellectual stimulation. Things that promote what today falsely passes as intellectual growth in the past would have been things that actually fostered true intellectual growth and came from books or interaction with others of intellectual substance. From the music of Mozart and Beethoven to recent music such as “The Wayward Wind” and “The Tracks of My Tears” and “I do Love You” that were about romance to songs glorifying drug use such as “White Rabbit” to songs glorifying violence as Rap music often does and then to crude music glorifying immoral behavior such as “Stupid Hoe” and “Wet Ass Pussy” (That is an actual song.). A large percentage of our visual entertainment consists of violence, violence, violence and more violence and sex, sex, sex and more sex. Our morals and civility have declined to the level to those of all past collapsed civilizations. The violence, destruction and looting now occurring are a breakdown of law and order which proceeds collapse. Economics professor Walter Williams said: “We must own up to the fact that laws and regulations alone cannot produce a civilized society. Morality is society’s first line of defense against uncivilized behavior. . . .”  Studies have been done where series of images were rapidly flashed in front of individuals and when sexual or violent images were flashed the brain failed to register the next image. For verification of the effects of sex and violence start with these two sites. Links:



Uncivilized behavior is more noticeable and rampant in the larger metropolitan areas. There negative aspects of cities that dense populations and the anonymity of large populations always produce are now being purposely manipulated to magnify these negative traits. As of now I do not include suburban areas with the urban however as society deteriorates they may become more urban in nature. These urban cities are mostly run by liberal Democrats and are becoming basically third world in nature. It is purposely being done to collapse the present West and replace it with an authoritarian, socialist state that is global in scope with the UN as some type of bureaucratic capital. Note: I do not hold the Republican Party in much higher esteem. At one time they would have created a corporate state with the UN building as a corporate headquarters even though a large segment of billionaires now support the Democrats. The billionaires support the Democrats because they know the Democrat voters are the most easily manipulated and deceived. Democrats and liberals overall are less intellectually capable as they have lost the ability to critically think, they have lost logic, common sense and concepts of right and wrong and are irrational and emotional. This was planned over decades by the precursors of the WEF that wants us to eat bugs and own nothing. Our chance to avoid these nightmares and the violence and cruelty that will follow are for the red and blue states and counties to go their separate ways. At one time I thought the military could temporarily intervene and restore stability but it has become obvious the military high command has been compromised. The colleges and civilian governments certainly have. Recently the new Democrat administration has made some policies and given orders that if followed will lead to foreseeable and inevitable defeat in a war discussed in the previous essays: Opening Note and About. 


The red and blue going separate ways is best viewed as an “if you are in a crooked poker game that you know is rigged and you stay what do you expect” situation. I have explained our only actual choice in Essay 9 and in the Essays previous to 9 I laid the foundation and reasons why that is now our only option. I removed the military as an option as they are now “woke” and are pawns for the Democrats who are stooges and pawns for China, the UN and the elites. The Democrats are also manipulating various ethnic and cultural groups into a coalition and pushing for several changes in the system that will ensure one party rule as is the case in China, Russia, Venezuela, and Cuba to name a few examples. One party rule is a dictatorship. Doesn’t matter if the party is political, religious or the corporate company store. (The company store was the name given to the store owned by the company in isolated areas such as that of coal mines that were so far away from other places of commerce the workers and residents of these isolated areas were forced to buy things at the company store. Things were usually expensive and the company gave credit to the miners or workers and they could never get out of debt. A song from the late 1940s, 16 Tons, had the words “Saint Peter don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go, I owe my soul to the company store.”  Credit cards are a modified type of continuation of this.). The fact that people can vote in the political one is only a show to give the illusion of freedom to those ignorant or with lower intelligence.  Once a one party rule is established in the US the UN and globalists will have a clearer path to a one world state. China, the UN and the WHO (World Health Organization) are in league and once the US collapses the rest of the world can be “brought to heel” with a series of phone calls. (Also the WEF is in the mix. It was briefly touched on in the previous essay). It is occurring at this moment with the Netherlands trying to force 3000 Dutch farmers to sell their farms to the government. Once they control your food the collectivization and culling of humanity can begin. And, it will begin as the reality is the majority of elites who will control everything feel the majority of humanity is basically useless when it comes to progress and advancement which, unfortunately, has a lot of truth to it. They also believe that the majority are actually millstones around the necks of the abler and are more trouble than they are worth. In that case you will virtually have the status of unwanted pets and nuisances. Useless burdens in other words. Useless burdens usually have short lifespans. Think about it. If you can’t think you are one of them.


Once a person is dependent on a single entity for their source of food, water, medicine, transportation, energy, education, housing, clothing, and finances that entity owns that person completely. You can go nowhere without them knowing exactly where you are, what you are doing, what you are spending on what and with the advancing technology will ultimately know what you are thinking. This is becoming possible by present research. That is the point at which they can and will reduce the population. Like I said the general consensus among the elites, and those behind things pulling strings, is there are too many useless people. To them these people consume resources, add to pollution, add to crime and contribute nothing of value equal to their consumption either in a practical or an economic sense. To the elites these people will always be a burden and a menace to the abler elements of society. These elites will have at their disposal the entire arsenal of power and eventually mind control. They will have control of the water supply which will make control all the more easier in urban areas. By controlling a municipal water supply they could sedate,  agitate, sterilize, or kill the entire population that uses the water.  Rural areas mostly have individustral wells. They could contaminate the rural water supply by spiking the surrounding lakes and rivers but they are smart enough to understand that would come back to bite them in the future. If they control the medical systems they can determine who can and should have medical treatment and children. They can starve populations like China and Russia did or just out right eliminate them as in Cambodia under Pol Pot where 25% of the population was eliminated. There have been many novels with this type of dystopian future that is unfolding before our eyes but the intelligence of such a substantial portion of the population has been diminished or been molded to the point they are oblivious. Many leftists will say that is rubbish but it is logical. The fact they cannot see the possibility, actually probability, of it shows they lack basic thinking and reasoning abilities and should never be entrusted with responsibilities in areas of safety, security and stability of society. Remember we have but one realistic choice. Our fates depend on our actions or inactions and even more so on the actions or inactions of others. Ours we can control but those of others we cannot so we better get OUR actions right.


If the Democrats win in November 2024 we MUST go with our one rational option. We had better start thinking and talking about it now so as to at least have some basic ideas floating around to start the process. At least the foundation will be built. The only other option is to allow the left to gain dictatorial powers. They have pulled too many dishonest and underhanded moves that should prove beyond a doubt they cannot be trusted. They are incapable of telling the truth. Name something they have said of any significance that has not been a lie. The military should be watching the goings on of the political landscape and realize that if the left gets into power they will be relegated to obscurity or be used against productive civilians. In reality even though it is a nondemocratic institution the military would have been better upholders of the Constitution much more so than the Democrats IF (big IF) it had  not been weakened and compromised. It is now vividly apparent the military has been. The Constitution is a remarkable document but in order for it to be functional requires a population with a certain level of civility, education, intelligence or common sense. The military (and paramilitary) are structured organizations and have guidelines known as policies and procedures and they use them as controlling documents much like the civilians use the Constitution and laws. Unfortunately their being compromised makes the military now a liability to the nation. The Democrats are the epitome of the world Orwell’s “1984” depicts. The red and blue states and areas need to go their separate ways. The cities have the greatest concentration of wealth and they also have the greatest concentration of poverty, crime, drug use, immorality, and decay. The red would flourish better without them as a human body would by removing malignant tumors. Big cities and malignant tumors both have something in common: the malignancy spreads. Red areas would also have control over who entered and they would be less tolerant of criminals burning down and looting their cities. Either end up like Baltimore, Minneapolis, Chicago, Portland, Atlanta, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Seattle and Washington DC or remain orderly, secure, safe, stable and relatively free. While the left has contempt for the red areas they cannot survive without them. The red could survive without the blue.


If Trump loses the election (this was written before the 2020 election) and there are mail in ballots it is with 100% certainty it was stolen and it cannot be ethically accepted. It may have to be accepted as it will be reality as there is no way to redo it but it must be acknowledged it was an illegitimate win. All the more reason to separate. I will delve into voter fraud later. The Democrats and left are using the playbook of the communists. The violence now rampant has been engineered by George Soros and other communists and communist sympathizers and their stooges. The pandemic has been incorporated into their election strategy. They are purposely dragging out the pandemic lock down, the economic crises and the opening of schools crises’ to defeat Trump. This shows the low level to which they will stoop. Mail in ballots are a source for massive fraud and the fact they deny it shows their lack of honesty and the lack of intelligence in their supporters. The only way to prevent increasing widespread violence is with the one choice we have left. In Essay 9A I have posted links to the problems with mail-in voting. The left has proven itself to have nothing beneath them.


The red states and blue states separating would not be without difficult issues but would be much easier to solve if separated and if the separation occurred without violence. I mention some of the issues in Essay 9. Medicare and Social Security would be two major ones. Another would be some pensions. Some are state and some are federal. Another would be military personnel and equipment. None of them would be overly difficult with brilliant minds working on them. This is why we need those with foresight as many billionaires have. They need a society that does not want to confiscate their wealth as socialist and leftists governments do. Many are interested in space which is the only possible way to avoid a dead planet becoming a prison. The debt owed nationally and internationally would not be overly difficult to solve with intelligent and rational discourse. The money would be another issue. At first both countries using the same currency would work but the blue would ultimately print it indiscriminately and make it as worthless as Monopoly money. It is now happening using the COVID pandemic as an excuse. The world is getting ready to dump the dollar as the reserve currency. The reserve currency is a stable currency which the present administration is purposely undermining. There isn’t another choice unless you consider letting the Marxists have the nation and ending up like Venezuela a valid choice. To me a President Harris administration would not be a choice at all. A vice President becoming President is a distinct possibility even in the best of circumstances. I have witnessed it twice in my lifetime. If you think of the violence taking place all over America and realize that the only other option over the one I mentioned is to let President Harris run the place is a choice you need to rethink. (A vote for Biden is a vote for a Harris presidency if Biden fails to complete his term. Biden is just a puppet and the government is run by shadow figures. He is senile not stupid, at least not completely. Harris is completely stupid and incompetent as she has consistently demonstrated. To stupid people she seems fine.) Stupid was the best choice of words.)


Considering the flippant attitude of the mayors and governors of the states and cities going up in flames and prosecutors refusing to prosecute crimes I think you understand why the opening quotes from “The Coming Anarchy” unsettle me. They hit close to home.  It saddens me to think there is only one option but there is no other. If they get in and pull off a one party rule they will do exactly what all communists and revolutionaries do: kill opposition. It will start with persecution and ultimately get worse.  It does not take a genius to see that and insanity is written all over the rioters faces. Those behind the scenes of these movements will let them reek havoc just to frighten the general population to get enough support for a takeover. Then after that the rioters and protestors will be disposed of. They are too emotionally unstable to be of any use for the new regime. Merely a superficial look at history will prove that is a recurring scenario. If the governors and mayors and many elected representatives in the capital are afraid to stop them now what do you think will happen if they build more momentum.  We defeated communism abroad and might die of it grown within our borders.

This is added April 5, 2023. They have just done a totalitarian political move unprecedented in the US. They have arrested former President Trump on bogus charges in an effort to prevent him from being reelected. This is the final straw that broke the camel’s back. There is no other option except to split into red and blue. The blue would oppose it because they are the parasitic states.(Since this paragraph was written Trump has been arrested and charged with dozens of more “crimes”. Anyone that can’t see these are for political reasons and are bogus is too mentally deficient to vote or be allowed to reproduce. The fact his name is Trump is ironic because “trumped up” are the long time used words to describe bogus charges filed against someone.)