9 Separation Part 1


The reelection of Donald Trump has placed this on a back burner. Depending on the next 4 years will determine if it goes back on the front burner. The ramifications of what is presently being uncovered nationally and globally and actions and reactions to them will determine the future. We had better get it right or scratch humanity from the galactic directory.


06/12/2021  This is part 1 of 3 of the Essay on Separation. It was of sufficient length to warrant the original being divided into three sections. It is long but dividing into two nations is not an action that can be taken lightly and adequately discussed in a few pages. I believe, as well as many very knowledgeable people, the Western world is economically and socially collapsing. This collapse was  planned.  We also are becoming militarily impotent. We may not win in a military engagement with China or possibly other potentially hostile  nations. There is an article in The New York Times about a war with China in which we lose. There are numerous articles about a war with China we would lose even in liberal publications such as Newsweek, Time, The Atlantic, and The Hill to name a few. Type “The US will lose the next war with China” into the search bar on the web. People we better get our collective heads out of that dark place.

It is obvious both our government and military leadership  have been compromised. (As I have said prior the military has possibly been salvaged. With the appointment of Pete Hegseth to Secretary of Defense recruitment has surged as the “new sheriff” in town (Trump)  has appointed some “new deputies.” LINK: https://thedefensepost.com/2025/02/07/us-army-recruitment-surges/ ) The avoidable, tragic, absurd debacle in Afghanistan should be a clue. During Trumps presidency the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff making a secret call to Chinese military officials telling them he would warn them of an attack by us and telling his officers to only follow his orders not the Presidents is evidence beyond dispute. THAT is an attempted coup the very thing they accused Trump of. If we do not take draconian measures our descendants will be impoverished, illiterate, and starving living in third world conditions. When the government and military have been compromised there is only one option available-the physical separation of the two philosophies. This was written some years ago but I am redoing it to insert some things that are pertinent today. There will be occasional sentences that seem out of place, especially about the military, but they were written before it became apparent the military is onboard with the global takeover being now attempted by several different groups or at least they are silent. I chose to leave some previously written statements about the military in. There are a number of reasons they could be onboard the communist/global train. They are incompetent which is hard to believe even though some have educations that are not military. They have been compromised. They have been duped. They have sold out. They have some type of extortion exerted on them. Look what happened to General Flynn an honorable 33 year military veteran.. He was forced to plead guilty to phony charges because his son was threatened. Or there is something happening behind the scenes, not publicly known, that they are terrified of. That opens the door to some very interesting and bizarre  possibilities. Will get into them later.



“Now when man’s future seems so vast, catastrophe threatens to cut us from it. The dangers with which depression, dictatorship, false recovery and war are having us in have become so grave and imminent that we no longer need concern ourselves with proving how grave and near they are. We need concern ourselves instead with the problem of escaping them and the cruel dilemma we face: whether to risk peace or freedom? . . . .”

“It is not an easy way – who expects one? – And to many it will seem at first too hard to be practical. But this is because its difficulties and dangers are greatest at the start; other ways that seem easier and safer to begin with, grow increasingly hard and dangerous, and lead nowhere. . . . . “ That is from “Union Now” by Clarence K. Streit  (1940) (He advocated a type United States of the World modeled along a structure similar to ours.)


Numbers 9 and 10 were the last two Essays written but I placed them first on the reading list because people’s personal plates are usually so full it is often difficult to find time for anything other than their personal issues. Essay 10  was on the military, at one time it was our last line of defense, temporarily stepping in to call a “timeout” to stop the insanity that is engulfing the nation and West but I removed it and replaced it with several videos that show some of the reasons why it is obvious the military has been compromised and can no longer be trusted or counted on to defend the principles of our Constitutional freedoms and the nation itself from both foreign and internal enemies. We are between that oft talked about  “rock and a hard place” and the gap is narrowing like a vice being slowly tightened. It has come down to a matter of survival, literally life or death. It is obvious the left has had a collective mental breakdown. Mass hysteria is a very real phenomena that takes on a life of its own. How easily and quickly mass hysteria over even something minor can sweep through the population was made apparent during the “Great Toilet Paper Panic” of 2020. The absurdity and the lessons of it should not be lost to memory. There were fistfights over toilet paper, over masks and we all know Walmart has fights over toys at Christmas sales. Wait until the system collapses and there is no food or water or fuel or medicine or power. An extremely dangerous, virulent form of mass hysteria has taken shape over Trump winning the election. (This was written after the 2016 election. The left, post 2024 election, has now gone crazy on steroids.) The lies about him spouted by the media and left  are perfect examples of mass hysteria,  insanity and dishonesty. Wikipedia has a good entry under the title of “Mass psychogenic illness.” (This is a good entry. As I said earlier I am steering away from Wikipedia.) After reading Essay 9 on Separation, which most of you will probably reject, read the other essays to see why I feel it is now the only option since eliminating military intervention. It is becoming more and more obvious the military, (as well as civilians),  has been compromised. We are adrift in a stormy sea with an incompetent and dishonest captain (Biden) and crew.


If the left gains control they are not going to suddenly become sane they are going to be empowered as their insanity will have been validated. (They have won, albeit unethically, and that last sentence is being proven true.) They  are already talking about a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” to persecute Trump supporters. There is talk of taking the children of Trump voters away from them and reeducating them. They are banning conservatives from media and preventing them from working. They are advocating giving military members that do not want to take the vaccine a dishonorable discharge. This type of government is right out of the novels of the dictatorships of “1984” and “The Handmaid’s Tale” and right out of Communist, Fascist and Nazi playbooks. These people are crazy, very unintelligent, or traitors, or all three. Before Trump even took office the left planned a coup against him and set the simpleminded, the intellectually deficient and emotionally unstable up to support it. Imagine the violent scenes you were seeing nightly throughout the summer of 2020 mushroom in size and in level of violence. We are running out of time.  If the Democrats win in November (they did) we will be out of time (we are).. The left is too full of hate and irrationality and is pushing for a civil war but we must avoid violence. It will not be in anyone’s interest not even theirs but they are emotionally motivated which overrides reason. It would not be of benefit to anyone globally either. Even those we consider adversaries would be negatively impacted.


This next paragraph was written on the day before and the day after the  2020 “election”

We know the Democrats are corrupt and if they run the country it will be over for America. If you are playing poker in a syndicate run casino and there is a crooked dealer and you know both facts and you continue to play and you get ripped off you basically asked for it. If you sleep with an unknown you met in a bar and get an STD or play with fire and get burned what can you possibly say? If they win it was by cheating we all know it. (They did and their “cheat until caught then lie about it” scenario is so obvious.) They have prepared the population for it by giving numerous scenarios they can fall back on and claim a “see we told you” position. If they win there are only two options. They did win and the media, the tech industry and alphabet government agencies support it. In fact they helped manipulate it. (That last sentence is being proven true) The red states and blue states need to separate. If we don’t and we get what they want to implement we deserve it. (Added: It is now obvious and proven tech companies, the media and even the FBI were all in on it.) Biden eating those ice cream cones is a form of flipping the finger at America.



There should be very little doubt that the United States is on the verge of collapse. According to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll in USA Today 06/09/2020,  80% of  Americans feel the country is out of control. Things are either in control or out of control. If partially in or out of control they are out of control. It is like being half dead or a little bit pregnant. If you are half dead you are alive or if you are pregnant you are pregnant. You might be dying but you are alive. In the case of pregnancy there is no half pregnant. The odds definitely favor a collapse and a gambler would bet on it. Without draconian measures the system is going to collapse. We in the red areas, states and counties, supported the military 101% but the present high command has made it apparent the military is out. They now side with the forces of anarchy and then totalitarianism. They had responsibility to the nation which is divided into two totally incompatible visions. They should have realized which side had their backs and supported them, the red. They also know which side wants to slash their budget by upwards of $80 billion and has nothing but derision for the Space Force which is needed if we are to survive in a modern world. Trump was right again. I get into the military in the next essay. (That essay has been taken down and is being reworked and will be reposted in the future.) I have posted a few things that should give anyone with sense or intelligence some things to think about. The Speaker of the House, sitting behind President Trump,  pointing her hands and fingers at the President as you would hold a gun and ripping up his State of the Union address is representative of everything you need to know about the left.


It is obvious the Democrats have been compromised by foreign interests, undoubtedly China and Ukraine. Two motion pictures come to mind, “The Manchurian Candidate” and an episode of the early 1960s television series “The Outer Limits” titled The Hundred Days of the Dragon.  Both are about Asian interference in our nation’s civilian politics. We have too many Benedict Arnolds that value power and money over honor.  As far as the military is concerned  the plan to undermine and overthrow the US has been in play a long time and of all our institutions they should have been the one that could have best resisted. The military has (had) a code of honor, discipline and structure that civilians do not have. Like all democratic states America is going to collapse because it has become too large and too dysfunctional and tries to satisfy too many conflicting goals and has “too many termites in the woodwork.”. And, of course, everything unfortunately comes back to our flawed human nature. I want to state that it is the military high command that has been compromised. It is obvious that they have been. The rank and file for the most part still have a sense of responsibility and honor and have loved ones in the nation.


Since this was originally written and posted many Democrat controlled cities have gone up in flames with riots and looting in the summer of 2020. There have been thousands of buildings looted and burned and a number killed and the toll keeps going up at this time. The American left has literally gone insane and the basic ingredient of the left is hate for virtually everything. They don’t know what they are for. They are like children whining and fussing without understanding what they are whining and fussing about. Ask them and you get answers so vague and general they have no meaning whatsoever and the answer will often come in a nasty, self righteous tone. If not ask them to explain their position then the tone will get ugly. Democrats and the left are motivated not by reason and rational thought but by emotion like the Nazis. Watch some YouTubes of college students being asked questions. They have placed a symbolic face on that hate by using President Trump as the unifying factor representing, to them, all that is wrong. They are the exact same type of citizens in the novel “1984” but don’t see it. They have literally gone clinically insane and democracy is impotent and paralyzed when confronted with mass insanity. In fact it is politically and economically advantageous for the  left to cater to it. The United States is so fractured and the divide so wide there is nothing united  about the United States anymore. It is so polarized there is no depolarizing it, no repairing the divide. In the words of Milton in his epic poem “Paradise Lost”: “For never can true reconcilement grow Where wounds of deadly hate have peirc’d so deep.


This unfolding disaster was planned by those that want to collapse America and the West and have used our freedom and democracy and desire to do the right thing against us. It is the goal of globalists to have a one world government and has been in the works for a long, long time and was organized beforehand much of it by the elites and foreign influence. If you remember in a previous essay I gave the explanation of fifth columnists which is how it was accomplished. Although I explained “fifth columnists” in a prior essay I do so again in case you have skipped the previous essays due to time constraints.

Fifth Columnist from the Encyclopedia Britannica:

“Fifth column, clandestine group or faction of subversive agents who attempt to undermine a nation’s solidarity by any means at their disposal. The term is conventionally credited to Emilio Mola Vidal, a Nationalist general during the Spanish Civil War (1936–39). As four of his army columns moved on Madrid, the general referred to his militant supporters within the capital as his “fifth column,” intent on undermining the loyalist government from within.

“A cardinal technique of the fifth column is the infiltration of sympathizers into the entire fabric of the nation under attack and, particularly, into positions of policy decision and national defense. From such key posts, fifth-column activists exploit the fears of a people by spreading rumours and misinformation, as well as by employing the more standard techniques of espionage and sabotage.”.


That accurately describes conditions in America at present. The fact the movement is actually global shows it is part of an organized  movement involving foreign influence to bring down the United States and the West. The WEF elites are in the mix also. The reason the United States must fall is because it stands in the way of a “one world government.” Many of the Democrat leaders are in on it or are staying passive because of being targeted themselves or being blackmailed. Many businesses are supporting it because they  have been threatened. That is called extortion. Either that or they have the plan of being in the ruling class and ending up with power and lots of money. Their being untrustworthy and greedy makes that unlikely as China does not value those negative qualities as America seems to and China is gaining influence over the world including us.. Economically we are on the verge of bankruptcy. We are blindly, and for accuracy and added effect I might add stupidly, entering the formative phase for a type of Orwellian 1984 nightmare or a science fiction “com” world (communist). As we know many science fiction books have been quite accurate in their predictions. There are many science fiction books that contain future dystopian societies as a theme but it seems very few read books anymore. I cited in prior essays studies that show a sizable percentage of our youth want to be YouTube stars while a sizable percentage of Chinese youth want to be astronauts. That shows our future and many on the left are not capable of understanding the ramifications of that. Philip Wylie in “Generation of Vipers”, written in the 40s, wrote of the average American’s  English abilities and reading tastes.  “. . . . has no adult wish, ever, to read any book printed in it except such stuff as wet dreams are made of.”  He was right then and it has only gotten worse. When you get a substantial number admiring a DFC like Cardi B singing “Wet Ass Pussy” social collapse is near.


I do not know if it can be reversed as it seems history has sadly demonstrated that a large percentage of the human race is not given to critical thinking and is not self-governing. Many have the curiosity of a cow. If we ever encounter a superior species that is carnivorous they might serve as a good source of protein to barter with. That is, of course facitious, but we know some leftist will say I was serious.) Unless under a certain level of control humanity as a whole reacts emotionally from its basic instincts and goes from one crisis to another wildly swinging from one extreme to another like Luther’s drunken peasant who when prevented from falling off a horse on one side falls off the other. Perhaps Mencken was right when he said civilization and democracy may be self-limiting diseases and have suicidal tendencies.  I am, as I have said, an avid reader especially of history, science fiction, and books that discuss and describe human nature ( fiction often has great insight or a profound message). I have followed current events since high school in the 60s and I see nothing that gives hope to the contrary. Looking back with that wonderful hindsight humans have I can see various points we took the wrong turn at many of the forks in the road. Unfortunately when you take a wrong fork every fork after that is on the wrong road. If on a foot path or on a highway you can usually turn around and backtrack to the correct fork, however, in life you can’t go back to the fork because it exists in time not a direction on a physical plane. Looking back, after the fact, the correct choice is usually so obvious we should have seen it then and chosen that fork.  One of my basic core beliefs is that overall humanity as a mass, if given a choice, will almost invariably do the wrong thing. It also seems that if given a choice between two disasters they will often choose both. People are not self governing. They are up to a point .but the point has limitations and it is obvious we have passed those limitations. They don’t want freedom they want security. They want a comfortable life. Mencken said that when the government outlawed alcohol during Prohibition the average worker didn’t mourn the loss of his freedom he mourned the loss of his beer. President Franklin Roosevelt in his Four Freedoms speech said the four freedoms were: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from fear and freedom from want. I think it was Harry Truman that said something to the effect that the average person didn’t want four freedoms he wanted four sandwiches.  Fear is one of the major motivators of humanity and politicians play up to it. The pandemic, economic turmoil and the rioting have vividly demonstrated what. Bertrand Russell wrote in his book “Power”:

“The ordinary quiet citizen, we said, is led largely by fear when he submits to a leader. . . . .” 

“The kind of mob that the orator will desire is one more given to emotion than to reflection, one filled with fears and consequent hatreds, one impatient of slow and gradual methods, and at once exasperated and hopeful.”

“The cases in which fanaticism has brought nothing but disaster are much more numerous than those in which it has brought even temporary success.”

“The impulse of submission, which is just as real and just as common as the impulse to command, has its roots in fear. The most unruly gang of children ever imagined will become completely amenable to the orders of a competent adult in an alarming situation, such as a fire; when the war came, the Pankhurst’s made their peace with Lloyd George. Whenever there is acute danger, the impulse of most people is to seek out authority and submit to it; . . . . “   (The Pankhurst’s were women’s suffragettes in England prior to WW1. Their bitter enemy was Lloyd George whom they considered the worst enemy of women but felt the threat of Germany was so great they placed their confidence in him. They felt he was the person most capable of dealing with the war.)


Both parties are equally guilty and responsible for our present situation but the Democrats and the left are the greatest threat at this point. The lack of action by the RINO Republicans make them close behind though. Although the situation has been building for over a hundred years of errors the Republicans actually made the fatal move that led to our present predicament of being in danger of losing to China by picking the wrong forks in the road where it could have been prevented. (That was Nixon recognizing Communist China and Reagan opening the door.) I explained my reasoning in Essay 8. It is not so much it was the wrong fork, as to not recognize a nation as large and populous as China was a gross error, it is they rushed in without proper preparations owing allegiance to big business. (I believe in  capitalism so don’t take that remark as me being a socialist. I just don’t believe in greed, crime or treason.) The first thing to do would have been to understand the terrain and inhabitants so to speak. In plain words they should have understood China, Chinese history and the Chinese mind. Businesses picked that fork for us long before it was taken. They had their eyes on China for a long while seeing a large market and a source of cheap labor and watched the student demonstrations in the 60s and could predict the direction of the nation. Whatever liberals think of  capitalism capitalists are not stupid. Rich people are rich for a reason. Of course when the Republicans were not in charge the Democrats picked up the ball and with great gusto ran with it acting more shamelessly than the Republicans. I have gone into both in previous essays. The Clinton, Obama and both Bush administrations are responsible for our present situation. They and their cronies personally profited greatly due to their policies on China.


The Republicans are of no less a threat than the Democrats in the long run even though at this brief instant they are a stabilizing anchor. Whether they remain so remains to be seen . Very doubtful because if human nature enters the picture it won’t happen and dealing with humans makes its entrance a given. Neither party contains the command material we need. There are far more in the Republican Party though. Donald Trump views the world through a business lens, which at this point is to our advantage, and has been doing a better job than any of the others of both parties whose hat was in the ring in the 2016 primaries would have done and is presently better suited than any of the Democrats. He recognizes the threats posed by China and also is better suited to repair a broken economy. His achievements prior to the pandemic were excellent. He was bringing some businesses back from out of the country and had the lowest unemployment rates for blacks, Hispanics and women.  Unfortunately he sometimes comes across as somewhat rude and obnoxious and, as I said prior, he sometimes doesn’t think before he speaks which usually gives his enemies ammunition. Never arm your enemies. (I will add this time around he is doing great. His handicap was he is not a politician which is actually a blessing.) He always was good in interviews but he has gotten even better. If you look at his interviews and then listen to what CNN or MSNBC or other left wing media sites say about them you wonder if they are talking about the same interview. The reason they can make such blatantly misleading or outright false statements is they know their listeners are so programmed to hate Trump they merely take their word for it. They don’t have the wherewithal to understand them anyway. If you don’t believe that ask one what the interview was about.


We are at the point we have only two viable options, only two. Due to the coronavirus pandemic we had startling revelations of just how much we depend on China for the goods of our needs and wants. We no longer even manufacture the basic necessities required for our basic survival needs including medicine. At this point technology is a basic component of our survival. There has to be accounting by those responsible and we have to take our own negligence into consideration for not being more mindful. We also have to realize when we bought a microwave for $100 dollars over one that cost $200 we were contributing to the problem. While we were collecting coins, assembling model planes, or watching baseball or football or “Honey Boo Boo” or “Hip Hop Nation” or “Love After Lock Up” or wrestling or some other diversionary entertainment or doing who knows what we should have paid some of that attention to those we put in the driver’s seats but we didn’t. We also should have purchased the $200 microwave but we didn’t. Workers kept demanding more money which made business bailing for another country more and more lucrative. They finally bailed in great numbers. It was two actions rolled into one. It was both a good business decision and rats deserting a sinking ship. Also while our attention was focused on nonexistent Russian collusion China took many large steps forward while we were obliviously preoccupied China pulled ahead. They do not have to tolerate rioting, looting, arson and people wanting to destroy China or picking a person for a job to satisfy some quota. In China endangering public safety can be a capital offense. Had China been running the U.S. there would have been thousands of missing rioters and intellectuals. Smart China and stupid us.


China plans ahead decades while we only look an election ahead. Shortsightedness is a fatal flaw of democracy and a shallow pampered humanity. China is not a diverse nation and does not play the losing game of identity politics. Nor do they waste time and money for touchy feely, group hug training. They don’t divide their nation up into pockets of diversity they are all Chinese and have a united goal and that goal is to displace the US as the global powerhouse both economically and militarily. They do what is best for the country while a large percent of our leaders, both business and political, look to what they can legally steal. That is a fact. Look at our leaders economic worth and how they got it. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democrat congresswoman from New York was a bartender and in debt. After a few years in office she is worth millions. That is on a salary of $174,000 a year. Many that tell us to be willing to sacrifice have mansions and fly in private jets. Those are forms of theft and there are dozens of examples we know about and undoubtedly hundreds we don’t know about. The universities are under control of communists who bought support, one way or another, for their positions this is why universities turned out class after class of students indoctrinated instead of educated. We have some extremely ignorant and outright unsmart holders of college degrees running around. We gave the colleges money without enough oversight and strings attached.  Sadly that is as much stealing from the system as is outright robbery.  We are an example of what happens when non self governing humanity governs itself. The reality is if there was/is any collusion it would be between the Democrats and the Chinese. They both have benefited immensely from the present problems. So much so you have to look at the situation with a skeptical eye.


Let’s look at the results of what was accomplished that benefited both Chinese Communists and the Democrats in this “accidental” pandemic. And the WEF. (Check out what Klaus Schwab, former Executive chairman of the WEF said about what they call the “Great Reset.”)

  1. The pandemic placed us in a locked down, quarantine status creating situation that Americans are unused to and adverse to and is taking a psychological toll. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  2. It all but collapsed the economy causing the stock market to drop thousands of points. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  3. .It caused massive unemployment among all segments of society including Blacks, Hispanics, and women, three groups that had the highest level of employment in decades. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  4. It created fear of the pandemic, fear for the economy and set the stage for violence. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  5. It disrupted the trade war with China in which Trump was attempting to bring about an economic equilibrium in trade between the U.S. and China. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  6. It allowed the Chinese to make great strides to replacing us as the world’s number one economy. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  7. It weakened our ability to aid our ally Taiwan in their continuing attempt to stave off Chinese aggression towards annexing the island nation. China is building up military forces in China across the Taiwan Strait. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  8. It weakened our ability to come to the aid of Hong Kong in their battle to maintain their autonomy from China. Many in Hong Kong carried American flags asking the U.S. and Trump to support them. Many of these have been rounded up and held by the Chinese communists. Also China is building up military forces across the border from Hong Kong. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  9. The Chinese have made more progress claiming the South China Sea as Chinese territory. It has diminished our ability to counter them. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEFand hurt Trump in an election year.
  10. It allowed the Chinese to gain holdings in foreign nations hit hard such as Italy and Spain by the pandemic by buying assets of troubled companies at bargain prices strengthening their economic position. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  11. It has majorly disrupted our educational system keeping students of all school levels, from grade schools to universities, from a smooth flowing education exacerbating an already in progress educational decline. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  12. It has created an even wider and deeper divide between the left and the right due to the violence and has facilitated and promoted rioting, looting, arson and lawlessness. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  13. It has created an atmosphere of hate between the police and local residents and a sizable segment of the population. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  14. It has jeopardized the prospect of many businesses to rebuild in the neighborhoods affected by the rioting increasing poverty in those neighborhoods. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  15. It has made some large companies rethink investing in the United States due to continuing violence. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  16. It has taken the United States closer to collapse. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  17. It aided China in what they considered their “Dangerous Decade” the decade between 2020 and 2030 when the U.S. could not ignore China’s growing economic and military power but they were not sure they could best us in outright conflict. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  18. It has aided candidates that want to drastically reduce our military budget which places our ability to defend ourselves and our allies in jeopardy. It also has placed NASA in a position of having budget cuts. (This happened in the Obama administration.) Social programs for artificially created social problems take precedent in a democratic socialist society. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  19. It has aided candidates that are in favor of Marxism, a system that has never worked. China and Russia are moving away from Marxism because it did not work and moving towards one that did work while we are moving towards a system that does not work  moving away from one that did  work. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  20. It has facilitated people with political agendas to manipulate statistics on the COVID19 pandemic death rates to indicate a much higher number than actually exist. Some places list a death from a cause other than the coronavirus as a death from it if they tested positive at time of death. Some test sites were reporting a 100% positive test rate when it actually was as low as 10%. A 100% positivity rate is almost impossible. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  21. It has disrupted religious activities in the United States, mainly Christianity, something both the Chinese Communists and the Democrats hate. If services are only possible on line there are some that won’t return when they can reopen. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  22. They have given permission to rioters, which they call protestors, to assemble in large numbers but have banned conservatives from gatherings. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year
  23. Prosecutors in some Democrat run cities are refusing to prosecute crimes involving theft under $950. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  24. Many Democrat run cities and counties are releasing thousands of criminals including many with crimes of violence due to leftist prosecuting attorneys. This has made honest, law abiding citizens unsafe, This has been facilitated by Democrats and their “owner” George Soros (provable fact). This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  25. It has emboldened those attacking Western culture by allowing statutes and symbols to be torn down and destroyed. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and hurt Trump in an election year.
  26. By creating confusion and destabilizing society it has allowed and even facilitated the revision of history to fit a narrative rather than facts. In order to learn from the past it is necessary to accurately know the past. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  27. It has forced many small businesses out of business. Large companies owned by the large corporations have flourished. These are the companies that have supported the Democrats. This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  28. It made voting by mail an issue due to the pandemic. The method and requirements to the way the mail in voting was conducted made voter fraud extremely easy This benefited the Chinese, the Democrats and the WEF and hurt Trump in an election year.
  29. The election was rigged. The character of the left is becoming exposed in the increasing evidence that the Russian collusion narrative was fabricated by the Democrats. Also coming to light is the reality the Trump campaign and Trump himself was spied on including while in the White House. It is further coming to light that government agencies were in on it. The end justifies the means and the cheat until caught then lie about it tactics are totalitarian tactics and will lead to disaster.


I am more than skeptical of something that just happened to show up at a time convenient to the Chinese Communists, the Democrat Party and the WEF. Three groups that have similar goals and agendas while having a common foe, President Trump. The Democrats tried for three years to get rid of Trump via the sleaziest methods and failed but then in an election year a “wonderful” thing happened.  A pandemic hits originating from China and gives the Democrats a boost. The Democrat nominee and winner in the election is pro China. We can now call the White House Traitor Joe’s. Watch the movie “The Manchurian Candidate“ or the 1960’s TV series “The Outer Limits“ episode “The Hundred Days of the Dragon.” (The Hundred Days of the Dragon episode is in the Opening Essay.) Wikipedia has an entry on it and they start with summarizing the plot. It goes: “An undisclosed Asian government, presumably Mao Zedong‘s Communist China, based upon the description in the opening narration, plans to take over America by infiltrating and substituting officials at the White House.” No I do not believe that has happened but I do believe the government has been infiltrated by communists and other enemies of the United States and they have holds of one type or another on many key government officials. Here is a link from the SCMP (South China Morning Post) to a Chinese professor saying as much: It is one of those articles that only has a few paragraphs and you have to sign in for the rest. (This is actually a site that has a positive position on China.)


Another article



Looking at all possibilities we must also consider covid may be a test run of a coming bigger attack down the road. We have some that wear masks all the time. In cars by themselves, jogging, even swimming. I  wouldn’t be surprised if some slept wearing them. We have others that do not wear them anywhere. Even someone considering that they should wear a mask sometimes brings on such an angry reaction that a college educated Gen Z,  BLM or antifa supporter would feel embarrassed at being outdone in nastiness. It also happens the other way around. I am sure the government is monitoring who is compliant and who is not . Another possibility is they are using this as a way to maximize the potential damage similar to “the little boy that cried wolf.” When the real wolf appeared everyone thought it was a false alarm and ignored it. By not taking it seriously people would ignore the warning as just another false flag.  Since this one has been a dud when compared with a plague like the bubonic people may ignore next one thinking it is like this one. The horrific situation in Shanghai could be the Chinese governments way of having people prepare and for them to gauge reactions for future reference. It is probable many Chinese citizens in other parts of China are watching people literally starve to death and thinking we better get some extra food for emergencies. (As I was typing this a message popped on my phone saying “Biden admin says social distance, wear a mask while sheltering from nuclear bomb.”  I can’t even think of something to say.)


Here are some videos of reports about China’s military back in 2015 discussing using coronaviruses as a biological weapon. There have been reports of this from foreign news media sources, India and Australia for two. There are many in the West that deny this is possible. These are usually the ones quick to point out the faults of the West and deny faults in Communist and other hostile nations. I have to admit this is something that we would not be above doing. I believe in the “clean hands” philosophy and that means we can’t condemn others for something we have done or would possibly do.  We would have to have what in the legal field means our hands have to be clean. Our hands are no dirtier than the hands of many others, both presently and historically,  and often ours are cleaner. We are in a fight for survival and have to consider everything and not poo-poo something because it goes against our narrative.

(Title): “Chinese Scientists Discuss Weaponization of COVID-19 in 2015.”


(Title): “Report: China discussed weaponising Coronaviruses in 2015”


(Title): “China Discussed Weaponiizing Coronaviruses in 2015, Predicted World War lll With Bio-weapons, Reveals Report.”



In Essay 7  I quoted a passage from the book “The China Threat” by Bill Gertz [2000]. I have copied it here again in case you are reading this Essay first:

“China’s changing views of warfare are outlined in the 1999 book Unrestricted Warfare by two PLA [People’s Liberation Army] colonels, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, who advocate expanding combat beyond the battlefield to include computer warfare, international terrorism, biological and chemical warfare, economic and financial warfare, and more: . . . . ‘

On cyber, techno –warfare, the authors conclude: ‘”clearly, it is precisely the diversity of the means employed that has enlarged the concept of warfare. Moreover, the enlargement of the concept of warfare has, in turn, resulted in enlargement of the realm of war related activities. . . . . .

“To Qiao and Wang, the modern warrior will be a combination of traditional military commander, modern computer hacker, international financier, and global terrorist. ‘Obviously,’ ‘they continue,’ ‘warfare is in the process of transcending the domains of soldiers, military units, and military affairs, and is increasingly becoming a matter for politicians, scientists, and even bankers.’ “

Also in the book is the following and very interesting passage. In light of the dates and present situation it is not only interesting it is disturbing:

“. . . . Chinese military writings predict that China’s “dangerous decade”—, when it faces a strategic checkmate—is the period between 2020 and 2030. [Remember the book was published in 2000] By 2020, America will not be able to ignore China’s growing might, and China’s military and strategic planners fear the country will not be powerful enough to take on the United States until 2030. What China wants is three more decades of Clinton-Gore “engagement,” which downplays Chinese military capabilities, encourages decreasing American defense spending, and gives China major technical and financial boosts.”

I am going to say the war in Ukraine and the amount of money and military equipment we have given Ukraine has left us in a very vulnerable position. China is now preparing for possible war with us when we are woefully under equipped and short on manpower. The military we have is run by woke, affirmative action ideologues and not with properly trained or qualified personnel.

Our female soldiers will end up dead or as comfort women for Chinese soldiers. You can get mad, cry, rant and rave, drool, foam at the mouth but you know it will be a fact. The world we are up against doesn’t buy the woke crap our leaders and the mentally deficient left is selling. Even many we are not up against as foes don’t buy it. There is opposition to things such as men competing in women’s sports in many nations.

Below is a picture of some of our military command staff. For some reason it keeps disappearing and I have to reload it. If it is not there it will be when I realize it is missing.


Below is a video showing the outcome of male vs female in combat.





Here is an article from USA Today on our young being raised to hate America. They will be of no help in a conflict and will actually be a hindrance. They will side with the enemy. (USA Today is a left leaning publication I might add.)




The Pandemic became a way to get rid of Trump who was a hindrance to China’s global ambitions and distract the public from the Democrats collapsing the system. Everything the Democrats do is to destroy the US and Western civilization. They hate the US. The lock down and the fear are being peddled every day by the politicians and their shills in the media. It changes on a regular basis to keep people off guard. The lock down was said to be only for two weeks to flatten the curve. A year later it was still in effect. Schools were closed. This hurt the education of the students and our future economically and militarily. The lock down isolated us from much social contact and isolation causes problems for social beings as humans are. The isolation, the interruption of education, the loss of jobs, the loss of freedom, the damaged economy, and the gains made by the globalists in the UN were not random events. At one time it was said the virus could be caught easily from touching surfaces. Then it was thought to be able to be caught through the eyes from minute droplets in contaminated air. President Trump said the virus could have come from a lab in Wuhan China but was excoriated by the Democrats, the media, celebrities, sports figures, the WHO (World Health Organization a UN organization), our military and even some scientists. All had economic interests in or similar political beliefs as China. They all vehemently attacked Trump and denied it had any connection to a lab. They even refused to investigate the possibility.  Now it is becoming apparent it was a virus that escaped from a Chinese lab but the left refusing to investigate may have allowed the Chinese to get rid of much of the evidence. This is why liberals should never be allowed near positions of safety and security.


Moved elsewhere


Trump put operation “Warp Speed” into action almost immediately to develop a vaccine and Dr Fauci, the “Germ God”, said it was reckless to get it. Then when the vaccine came out during a Democrat administration he said it was reckless to not get it. Pfizer, a bastion of honesty and integrity (HaHaHa), withheld the development of the vaccine until after the election to hurt Trump. Kamala Harris said she would get the vaccine unless Trump had anything to do with it. Then she got it when it became available even though he had initiated the development. Everyone had to wear a mask. Then it became two masks. I went to the doctor and was wearing a mask. The doctor scowled when looking at the oxygen level indicator on my finger and I was told to take the mask off and take a couple of deep breathes. The doctor took the oxygen level again and said it was good back to 98%. The oxygen was first taken with one mask and I can only imagine what it would have dropped to with two masks. Sometimes I can tell with one I am being deprived of adequate oxygen. Businesses were closed then allowed to open at a certain percentage of occupancy. Many small businesses went out of business but big corporations flourished. The left always complains about  big business not paying their fair share of taxes then implements policies that make their profits mushroom and the CEOs get richer and their control over the government and citizens greater.


While we were being held in thrall to the pandemic China pulled ahead. The Democrats won the election and have started doing as much damage as possible to further the interests of the globalists and the Chinese. The stimulus bills passed amounting to trillions of dollars had little to do with the pandemic but gave much money to their cronies and their pet projects. One bill had 5,593 pages. Wrap your mind around that. If you can’t see what it was all about you are part of the problem. These trillions of dollars are going to bring on massive inflation which will be disastrous. I hope everyone remembers who did it and who voted them in.

Also the open borders are going to bring in millions that will be wards of the state. This is to collapse the economy as was discussed in another essay with the Cloward-Piven Strategy. The influx is coming faster than they can be assimilated. It will change the culture. The majority of the left is not smart enough to understand a culture determines a nation’s prosperity. The open borders policy will also bring in many criminals and is strengthening the cartels. These Democrat operatives leave headless corpses around. They are Democrat operatives in the figurative sense. No one on the left seems to be concerned that people were required to get vaccines or be fired, were ostracized, and threatened with being dishonorably discharged from the military but have no concern about millions of third worlders coming across unvaccinated and released into the general population without even a clue of who they were or are. Someone tell me that is smart.

I saw something that was both very interesting and disturbing. The half dozen incidents I know about were from California. Figures. There are many foreign born drivers that speak virtually no English that have commercial drivers licenses that have a last name and no first name. In the spot where the first name goes it says NO NAME GIVEN. I asked one if he told them his first name and he said yes. I said why does it say no name. His answer was a shrug and a they didn’t care. Also these licenses have a gold star on the front which means they can enter government faculties including military facilities. Google REAL ID. Under the section of “non-citizens it states proof of full name. “Other government issued document showing your full name.”

They have used the pandemic to alter voting regulations enabling many non-citizens to vote. No IDs needed. Mail ballots to everyone everywhere with no oversight. The move to make Puerto Rico and Washington DC states giving Democrats and communists total control forever. Packing the Supreme Court is on their list. Lower the voting age to 16. All those things are like stuffing the ballot boxes.

The Democrats have condoned and encouraged violence. They have allowed sections of cities to be occupied, to be burned down, and stores looted without consequences. They have been responsible for numerous murders by putting criminals on the streets. They have prevented the police from preventing these wanton acts of destruction and brutal violence. All these things are designed to collapse the United States.


The policies of Biden should confirm to even the densest liberal he is on the side of the Chinese and the globalists and the UN. (Actually he and his cronies are on their own side. They have been stealing from the citizens for a long time. They are just outright dishonest. Capitalists are merely greedy.) Senator Diane Feinstein (Democrat California) had a Chinese spy as a chauffeur for 20 years. Eric Swalwell (House Representative, Democrat California) had an affair with a Chinese Spy, Christine Fang. (She was killed in a plane crash. Gee. The left claims she wasn’t her. Gee.)  Joe Biden’s son Hunter has extensive business dealings with China. Hunter is selling paintings he painted for tens of thousands of dollars and the buyers are unknown due to the way the sales are conducted through a third party art dealer under no obligation to disclose the buyers. MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow once said on her show we have to consider the possibility that the sitting president (Trump) is an agent of the Kremlin. I think it is obvious that Biden is in bed with the Chinese. He is literally the epitome of a Manchurian Candidate. Everything he does is something that weakens the United States and is by forethought designed to collapse America. His stance on immigration, His sowing racial division. His spending money like a drunken sailor is going to bring on a financial collapse. His anti-police stance. His picking people to head various departments that are fifth columnists with far left agendas. He has not picked one person that is qualified to fill various appointed positions. NOT ONE.


The Democrats and the left poo-poo the idea of Biden and other leftists being controlled by the Communists or the pandemic being anything but an accident and do not consider them seriously which shows they should never be trusted with any position of responsibility or authority in any agency that has responsibility for safety, security and stability. People this unsmart or dishonest  will get you killed. It is best to stay away from them. If you were in a bar or restaurant and people with this level of intelligence surrounded you common sense should tell you to leave. The Democrats condone people that endanger and harass people. I am sure most of you have seen videos of people harassing and threatening people eating at restaurants. One followed a senator into the ladies room and filmed her. No outrage by the Democrats.

The Chinese think decades ahead while we tend to think short term. Our vision clouds after the next business quarter or next election. The Democrats also follow the short term thinking pattern but are quick to latch on to a crises that has an emotional basis and milk it forever. Democrat politician Rahm Emanuel said “You never want a serious crises to go to waste


Whatever option we choose (now only one, the military option is out) requires the first item on the agenda is to take a comprehensive resource inventory, both internal and external, of three categories similar to a medical triage: what we have, what we don’t have and what we strategically need. We need to set priorities. We need to evaluate our positions with everything and that includes both human and material resources. That also includes allies as there is a vacuum globally that needs to be filled and there are numerous nations that would be eagerly willing to band together to help fill it. China is making inroads into Australia. Here is a link to an article on China buying up Australia the title of which is: “From farms and coal mines to airports and water supplies: How China is gobbling up millions of acres of land, vital infrastructure and companies – as part of its’ disturbing plan to exert greater influence and control over Australia.”



There are other nations that are being gobbled up by China. China is basically colonizing Africa. Africa is a large continent loaded with minerals. We have become too unsmart to understand our future by worrying more on being woke than gaining resources that we are in short supply of. I find it interesting that the left complains about past colonialism but is too mentally deficient to see the present Chinese colonialism taking over Africa now.

Here is a link to a post by WION (World Is One News), a news media outlet from India. The link is followed by the title and the first few sentences of the article:


Title: “China slowly invading Himalayan neighbor Bhutan: Study”

China has been gradually and stealthily invading its tiny neighbour Bhutan for years now, reveals new research findings.A paper published by journal Foreign Policy stated that China has built an entire town, replete with roads, a power plant, two CPC buildings, a communications base, military and police outposts and a warehouse, almost 8 kilometres into Bhutan, reported the Australian news, site news.com.au.


Here is China gaining control of Laos by debt.



China is buying and leasing land in many countries.. Here is a link to one of many about it:



China is also buying up land in the US. Link:




Afghanistan has large deposits of lithium. Lithium is used in batteries, especially those used in connection with renewable energy devices. The left has deified solar power. We were in Afghanistan over twenty years before Biden finally surrendered and we did nothing to secure those deposits. We were spending time and money on educating them to be “woke.” That “education” is now getting thousands of Afghans imprisoned or executed.. China is now moving on Afghanistan and is going to gain control of the lithium. We really are that stupid. Their blood is on the hands of liberals.


Also we must inventory resources; petroleum reserves and deposits, gold and other minerals especially rare earth minerals (which China has in abundance), our land and resources owned both by us and by foreign nations and foreign firms, our factories and manufacturing capabilities. What we make that is necessary and what is the equivalent of useless toy Chinese finger traps. (If you don’t know what they are Google them.) Our transportation system (trains, planes, automobiles and trucks), our farms and food supplies and processors. Our housing, debts, human resources (skills, education, occupations, etc.) our population and of the following; not only equipment and supplies but personnel: medical facilities, emergency services, fire departments and military. We are deficient in many things even basics. We have only one major aircraft manufacturer left, Boeing, and they were closed for a while due to the virus. As I said we do not manufacture many of our pharmaceuticals. Our manufacture of tools and vehicles is far less than it was and way less than we need. Once most of the world  drove American made cars and flew in American made planes. Our manufacture of steel and metals is way down also. China produces many times more steel than we do. From Rueters: Google “Japan’s Nippon Steel to acguire U.S. Steel for $14.9 billion.” At least this sale was to a friendly nation. That has been changed as of February 2025. President Trump has nixed that. He said they can invest in U.S. Steel but it will not be sold to another nation.

We are in serious trouble. In the Opening Note I loaded a video titled: “What if the USA Broke Up?” It gives a run down on what each state has available. If you did not watch it it is worth watching. It shows the foundation for a vibrant nation.


All these wonderful things the Democrats talk about like free food, free healthcare, free housing, free energy, free education, free money, reparations,  guaranteed income, etc., requires an economy that produces something of value, including professional skills, to exchange in order to get these things. Much of the left’s base support are those that have neither skills or practical value and are, in reality, more trouble than they are worth. That is one of those unpleasant or inconvenient truths we like to ignore. Considering most of the parasitism is within the ranks of the Democrats it is not possible for them to build something. Their rising star economist and international relations expert, AOC, is a socialist and dumb as a rock. (I was being kind. She is actually dumber than a rock.) She was probably passed because she had the right political views according to her professors, the right gender, the right culture or was being eyed by political operatives as she fit a desirable identity politics profile and would be a perfect Judas goat. She has never said anything sensible or of value in her political career. She is a socialist Judas goat.

Several years ago I was talking with a woman from Russia. She was married to an American and had been here some years and we got talking politics and she was just dumbfounded over the socialists that were popping up. She said it didn’t work in Russia and their satellites  and it won’t work here. She knew we had been outsourcing for decades and she said what killed Russia was it didn’t make anything. Go to Walmart and find something made in Russia. Find something made in America. We now don’t produce much either. Very few items are made in the US any more.


 The riots and looting that are taking place are creating an environment that is not conducive to business and have placed us closer to collapse. The Black Lives Matter group that is responsible has been extorting and shaking businesses down for millions of dollars. Many small businesses will either just close and go out of business and some large businesses will leave the US if the situation is not brought under control. The loss or exit of jobs will add stress on an already overburdened system and put more strain on the remaining businesses and workers hastening the collapse of the nation and violence will result which is what the left wants. The Black Lives Matter and antifa groups that have caused so much havoc are Marxist organizations and businesses can read the writing on the wall just as they could in the 60s. Part of the reason so many businesses outsourced in the first place was they could see the direction of the country watching the student demonstrations during the 60s. A major reason was the source of cheap labor overseas, no unions and lax environmental regulations.. At that time American businesses virtually controlled the world economically from here in the US. To relocate was expensive and although they recouped the cost it would have been easier for much of it, including many production facilities, to remain headquartered here and go with satellite facilities elsewhere. It seems the left always sets up actions that undermines itself. Those students and protestors back then were too short-sighted to see the consequences of their actions. The protestors today are not smart enough to see that Black Lives Matter has nothing to do with George Floyd or black lives. The protestors are being used and will be dumped or disposed of in the future. They do not have the intelligence or emotional stability to be of any practical value to a society. If the Marxists do prevail the rioters will learn a hard lesson they did not learn in school. Liberal professors did not tell them that after a revolution revolutionaries become more trouble than they are worth to the new regime. Read what happened to the universities, students, intellectuals, and many professors after Mao’s “Cultural Revolution” in China.


Our only option is the red states and hopefully as many counties as possible and the blue states and counties go their separate ways. It should be and could be by mutual consent. The only reason it would not happen that way is the hate and arrogance of the left. I know it would be a radical and complicated undertaking fraught with peril but if the system collapses it would have to be done anyway and under much worse conditions, i.e. chaos, with far less favorable results. The first item on the agenda would be to repair the destruction the left induced chaos created. Let’s avoid the death and destruction phase the left so relishes.  The longer the delay the more difficult it will be. Like ignoring cancer. Towards the end of these three essays, 9/1, 9/2, 9/3, I have listed a few issues that I can think of that would need to be addressed and I am sure the combined thinking of everyone else could come up with many more. I just superficially touched on them as it would take many minds to detail them out. I think everyone needs to consider the possibility that this is or maybe necessary. Better start thinking ahead. It is plain that the goal of the left is to collapse the US and the West. The left knows it and is the parasitical and undisciplined side and will not survive without the red. Separate the parasite from the host and the parasite dies and the host usually recovers.


I really don’t like the word secession as it is one side seceding rather than both amicably going separate ways but often reference to separation come under the heading secession so I sometimes use it. I also don’t like secession because that sounds permanent and I can envision an eventual reunification to some degree. The blue areas will ultimately continue disintegrating until they finally outright collapse. At that point many can be merged back with stipulations they make improvements and adjustments to their systems and basically do things the logical way. Also the choice of who is allowed to merge back gets figured into the mix. No sense in having the people responsible getting a second chance to collapse the red again. I don’t like the idea of even temporarily separating but we are coming to the point that the violence that is brewing will do more harm with less chance of repair. It is almost like quarantining the infected from the healthy, something we can all understand at this point all too well. As an autonomous nation border security could be established. When looking at current events I know many of us are feeling like William L. Shirer, the author of the “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany”. He was in Germany during the rise of Nazism and pre WW2 years as a correspondent and wrote the following about his observations:

“I myself was to experience how easily one is taken in by a lying and censored press and radio in a totalitarian state. Though unlike most Germans I had daily access to foreign newspapers, especially those of London, Paris and Zurich, which arrived the day after publication, and though I listened regularly to the BBC and other foreign broadcasts, my job necessitated the spending of many hours a day in combing the German press, checking the German radio, conferring with Nazi officials and going to party meetings. It was surprising and sometimes consternating to find that notwithstanding the opportunities I had to learn the facts and despite one’s inherent distrust of what one learned from Nazi sources, a steady diet over the years of falsifications and distortions made a certain impression on one’s mind and often misled it. No one who has not lived for years in a totalitarian land can possibly conceive how difficult it is to escape the dread consequences of a regime’s calculated and incessant propaganda. Often in a German home or office or sometimes in a casual conversation with a stranger in a restaurant, a beer hall, a café, I would meet with the most outlandish assertions from seemingly educated and intelligent persons. It was obvious that they were parroting some piece of nonsense they had heard on the radio or read in the newspapers. Sometimes one was tempted to say as much, but on such occasions one was met with such a stare of incredulity, such a shock of silence, as if one had blasphemed the Almighty, that one realized how useless it was even to try to make contact with a mind which had become warped and for whom the facts of life had become what Hitler and Goebbels, with their cynical disregard for truth, said they were.” Fits the Democrat tactics and the leftist media to a tee.


On January 6 in Washington DC a riot broke out. Many were Trump supporters but some details have emerged that implicated leftists. Infiltrating and instigating violence are their tactics. The left is calling it an insurrection but it was not. It was a riot plain and simple. Changing the meaning of words is something the left has perfected in the last few decades. They are using the tactics of the “Party” in 1984 and the followers are too blinded by hate to see it. They can get traction out of the word insurrection more so than riot so that is their narrative. Those people knew they could not take the government by merely taking the capital building. They weren’t trying to. There were no gun charges made.. They were doing exactly what the BLM and antifa rioters were doing in the summer just causing havoc without the arson, violence and pillaging,. Using the word insurrection gives them an excuse to round up opposition. A communist, fascist and Nazi tactic. The left is proposing things such as deprogramming and removing kids from Trump supporting parents. They are doing a blacklist of Trump supporters to prevent them from obtaining employment. Exactly what Senator Joe McCarthy did in the 50s to members of the entertainment industry. The left has become a mirror image of what they claim to oppose. In this case the old saying you eventually become what you hate is coming true.. There have been incidents throughout history that are a mirror image of the capital riots such as Nero burning Rome and blaming Christians. It gave him an excuse to go after Christians. The Reichstag fire in Germany in 1933 was set by Nazis but the Communists were blamed giving the Nazis an excuse for going after the Communists. The movie “Mr. Jones” had a person trying to tell government leaders it was the Nazis when everyone was saying it was just unrest or in our case calling it an insurrection so as to arouse emotions. He said: “The Reichstag fire was not unrest it was a tactic. The Nazis now have an excuse to end all opposition.”


While we were occupied by what were many basically mindless things we missed the infiltration by communists into universities, social justice movements, elected and appointed  bureaucratic positions of government, and into television, sports, social media and newspapers and other printed material. We have watched once credible newspapers such as the New York Times and magazines such as Time, Newsweek, and The Smithsonian spout such outrageous twisting of truth and censorship they have become no more than tabloid level fish wrappers. We have watched the televised news media become so egregiously deceptive and false that what are obvious falsehoods are accepted as fact due to shear repetition. What is shocking is how many actually believe them even when incontrovertible proof to the opposite exists. The reason is the millennial generation and generation Z  have been taught falsehoods in schools and universities and history has been distorted to them and they believe it without question because that is the way they learned it. Our liberal college students are as dumb as rocks (example AOC) and at speeches and talks given by conservatives they have proven themselves to be blithering idiots. Check out some on  YouTube. By their appearances they show their inner nature. If they could realize the reality of what really happened I am sure they would be outraged at being lied to and taught altered history. I would like to think so anyway. Another thing we learned from the pandemic was some schools that had to teach over the net had teachers that wanted assurance the parents would not eavesdrop on the schooling. Why would teachers not want parents to know what was being taught to their children? The parents pay these teachers salaries. I have been in a couple of unions and overall I am a union man but I think it is time to reevaluate the power unions have over the ability, or inability, to have standards for teachers. To have incompetents or open deviants or enemies of the state teaching children needs to come to a screeching halt. What a person is or does on their time is personal and between them and God. What they do openly in positions of authority in public classrooms is another matter.


The reopening of the schools from lock-down have had, and are still having, a confusing time for all. What would have been logical is to have some classes resume and some not. The basic classes such as math, reading, science, English, foreign languages and history should have resumed with smaller class sizes. It would have been easy to maintain social distancing and also give students more individual attention and basic education.  Instead of one class with 30 students have three classes with 10 students each. It would also minimize the overall number of students in the school classrooms at one time thus reducing the potential for infections. I know some teachers would be upset because of the reduced class subjects but many of these self-absorbed, useless, unqualified cretins were complaining about returning at all. Another action would be to have the teachers change classrooms instead of the students. Also stagger breaks that would make for less contact in the bathrooms and hallways. Those measures would reduce much congestion and interaction in crowded hallways and restrooms.  You can’t have it both ways. It would be like the classification of workers as essential and nonessential. Subjects would be categorized essential classes and non essential classes. Why the people with positions of authority that get paid to administrate don’t think of these things is hard to fathom. Actually it isn’t hard to fathom. They fail because they are intellectuals and intellectuals have the attitude they are superior and what they can’t fathom is they could be wrong. Some may have been compromised in some way or another by foreign interests.


We are at the point where we have been backed into a corner with only one choice. Many of the problems we have and will have are the same whichever way we decide to go. If the Democrats win (they did) they will start pushing their agenda (they are) which is so radical it will be a major factor in the collapse of the nation. Those Democrat supporters that believe in this agenda show the deficiency in intelligence that is the fatal flaw of democracy. Ignorant, dull minded, and emotionally motivated unstable  people vote. Many members of the government are fifth columnists. The four Democrat members of what is known as the “squad” definitely are. They are outright enemies of the country and we have allowed them to infiltrate the government. After listening to them only someone that lacks basic intelligence would not realize it. Everything they are for is designed to collapse the nation. What they propose costs money that we do not have. We do not have the tax base to support it either. Some of the large businesses, of the few that are left, will bail to a friendlier environment reducing the tax base even further. It will be a situation like New York on a national scale. Governor Coumo of New York is begging the rich to return to New York. There are numerous nations that are better environments for them. That is why many businesses left in the first place even for China. China found out Marxism didn’t work so they began a slow controlled movement towards a freer economy. They still aren’t capitalistic but have moved away from the radical socialism. These businesses could see the future something most liberal millennials and subsequent generations do not have the stability, the intelligence, the education, the maturity or the experience to see.  To even consider such radical left ideas shows a complete lack of intelligence and a lack of understanding of history, human nature and economics. It shows what I have said all along that the Democrats are a party of social workers and are unqualified for command positions. California is a good example. California once the wealthiest state in the US has now become a haven for homeless vagabonds and criminals. Taxes are out of sight. The once first rate roads are in bad need of repair. I grew up in one of the suburbs of Los Angeles and have watched the steady deterioration.  It is rapidly going into debt and is looking to be bailed out by the national government using the pandemic as a cover for their poor leadership. The left would just print money which only creates more and more poverty as more and more money is printed. It actually falls under the economic “law of diminishing returns.” I can also use a reality mentioned in this paragraph as proof liberals are crazy or flawed (in this case dumb.) . They flee high crime and high tax blue areas for red areas and vote blue, the very same philosophy and governance they fled turning the red area into a blue area, a high tax shithole.. Remember the old maxim that to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results is the definition of insanity. If not insanity then deeply flawed. It is also the same as is done by many refugees and immigrants. They come to the US and create the same conditions they fled.


Two members of the “squad” have proposed the BREATHE Act which virtually eliminates law enforcement. Defunding police results in declining law enforcement and an increase in crime. Some of the emotionally motivated governors, mayors and city council members that proposed defunding the police are now starting to realize it. It was a no-brainer as to what would happen. Link to BREATHE Act is:


Excerpts from the article

“Washington, DC – Progressive U.S. Representatives Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan) and Ayanna Pressley (D-Massachusetts) on Tuesday unveiled legislation to defund police and pay reparations to African Americans and people harmed by police brutality.”

“The proposed legislation – the BREATHE Act – would eliminate the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and ban the use of surveillance technology, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported.

“Banned technology would include ankle monitors and drones currently used for monitoring by law enforcement.

“An overview of the proposed bill showed that it would eliminate federal funding for local police departments and federal agencies, the New York Post reported.

“Instead, the money would be allocated to social welfare, health care, education and environmental programs.

“The bill also aimed to dramatically reduce spending for the U.S. Department of Defense . . . . ”

This shows how far out of touch with reality and literally how unsmart some of these people are. Except, of course, to others equally out of touch and unsmart.


The financial and natural resources for these leftist dreams are no longer there and never will be again. A chance to excel forward would be the development of an extensive space program that liberals are too unsmart to realize the value of. How we got to the point where legislation as absurd as this would even be thought of much less than seriously considered shows we no longer have the basic intelligence necessary to advance and survive. It shows our intellectual level is declining in both the elected representatives and those that elect them.  Read the excerpts from “The Decline of Intelligence in America” in the Books Worth Reading section of this site. I think much of it has to be the “genetic twilight” many scientists believe in. As well as intelligence and  physical illnesses many believe that mental illnesses are also heritable. The actions of a certain portion of the population are not sane. A large number of those that support them are also not sane either. Sane people do not champion such outlandish, impossible ideas.

The quotes below are from “The People Shapers” (Excerpts are in the Books Worth Reading section) and sciencemag.org on the declining physical and mental state of humanity in the West. This figures into our present problems to a significant degree.


“Among the causes, some scientists cite the advance of medicine first. We can now keep alive many people who suffer from mental or physical genetic ailments, or who are genetic carriers, until they are able to – and do – have children.”

 “Some point as well to our easier style of life. The automobile, central heating, and packaged foods make it easier for the physically weak and defective to survive. Natural selection today is not as rigorous a people-culling effect as it was a mere half-century ago.”

“Dobzhansky has predicted a ‘genetic twilight ‘if present trends continue. Some put the pollution of our genetic pool more specifically. They contend that in each future century the number of defective people dependent on medical technology to survive will increase by 8%. . . . . .[ I believe it increases each generation and I also believe that in the United States and Europe where the technology is greater the percentage is greater than 8%. Read a newspaper for proof of insanity.]

“Others make the more controversial assertion that we are also trending genetically towards duller-wittedness. Through the ages, those endowed with genes that contributed to higher mental ability had a better chance of surviving. Today, these brighter people, it is argued, are more often involved in family planning and having small families than the less-endowed mentally, who are more likely to be among those with large families.”

“Some suggest that welfare policies, in United States at least, have the effect of encouraging many of the poor to have children they might not otherwise have. In a much-argued-about article on IQ differentials published in 1969, the educational psychologist Arthur Jensen asked: ‘Is there a danger that current welfare policies, unaided by eugenic foresight, could lead to the genetic enslavement of a substantial segment of our population? . . . . . “


And from an article in sciencemag.org

By Roni Dengler Feb. 8, 2018

“Researchers have long known that genes influence mental illness. Five years ago, for example, the global Psychiatric Genomics Consortium found that people with autism, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder frequently share certain DNA variations. But that 2013 study did not say how those genetic alterations might lead to symptoms.”

“Dan Geschwind, a neurologist and neuroscientist at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), who spearheaded the new work, wanted to know what happens at the molecular level in the brains of people with these disorders.”

“The analysis revealed that certain psychiatric diseases are more similar biologically than their characteristic symptoms indicate.”


We are at the point Shirer was in with his above quote watching the takeover of a society happening before his eyes. Separation is the only logical choice available. If someone has a better idea don’t keep it to yourself. It wouldn’t be easy but we would be left with no choice if the Democrats win in November (they did). As Commander Riker said about chances on Star Trek The Next Generation “Given the choice between slim and none I’d choose slim any day.” We, of course, hoped our side would win but we have to be realistic and think about the words of Yoda: :”Always in motion is the future.”  It is remiss to not have a back up plan. We would have to cut our losses and accept the reality that a half a loaf is better than no loaf. If not violence and break up will be the inevitable result. After a civil war reconciliation would be impossible.  Violence is occurring now on an increasingly large scale nationwide. It is like a fire that starts as a controlled burn and gets out of control. It will burn until it burns everything combustible and burns itself out leaving nothing but rubble. We better get it under control as we still have a lot that will burn.. The two sides are too incompatible to remain united and the reality is they are not united. They can’t even engage in dialogue when faced with a pandemic, the potential for mass casualties, an economic disaster and communists violently attacking the government and nation from within. They say protestors but as Shakespeare said “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet“ or in this case a communist is still a communist regardless of what they call themselves. Like a boy is a boy and a girl is a girl regardless of what they say.  Many leftist leaders have even admitted to being communists. Instead of trying to solve the issues they purposely complicate them and politicize them and their emotionally motivated actions undermine and prevent any realistic effort to properly deal with them. They use the word racism and sexism so often it is like the “little boy that cried wolf.”


 We are watching at this time Democrat cities going up in flames being rioted in and thousands of stores are being looted and burned and people are being killed (written in summer of 2020 but it hasn’t changed although it has dwindled.). Democrat leaders approve and as we know silence is approval. They are refusing to let the police do anything which resulted in at least one death in the “summer of love” zone in Seattle. (Since this was written the number of dead has risen over all.) One of the injured survivors is suing the police for not responding when it was his companions that blocked police access. Those arrested are being released with no bail a few hours after arrest. Many Democrat cities are doing this and there have been many crimes committed by these released hoodlums including rape, robbery and murder. This chaos has been carefully planned to take out Trump and collapse America. The red does not approve of rioting and looting or other senseless acts of violence so they would be better off being separated. The rioters and looters and arsonists and killers can stay where they are appreciated so they would not be hindered by red states and counties with laws prohibiting such behavior. The liberal leaders don’t even consider the reality these criminals are still out there after the riots cease waiting for the next golden opportunity to get a free TV or destroy something. That is their idea of shopping and some liberal leaders have openly said so.


Separation would also answer the question of which philosophy is correct. (I will answer that: actually neither is completely.) Separation is an option even though I am opposed to it except as a last resort. It would ultimately become necessary if the Democrats win in November. It has to be a separation without violence. A civil war is to be avoided but the left may make that impossible. The idea is to prevent violence if we can but the left is pushing for violence. (2022 Ohio rep. Tim Ryan said about the MAGA Republicans: “We’ve got to kill and confront that movement.” Using the words “kill” and “confront” are words advocating violence.) I would like to think the US can stay united but the differences between the two philosophies are too great to ever reach agreement. I had originally felt military intervention would have been the best but the military has been compromised. The conviction of General Flynn on phony charges and the threatening of his family was a warning to other military leaders. I felt that the best thing was to remain united after an extremely interesting by chance conversation with someone I would have considered one of the last persons I would have had an enlightening conversation with–a Muslim. Unfortunately because of the military being compromised I now feel that option is out. I will give the synopsis of the conversation at the end of these essays.


Look at the following maps. Some of you may be in for a surprise.


The Red Area Features A Total Population Greater Than The Grey (Found on the site Ranker)




The Red And Orange Sections Have Equal Populations (Found on the site Ranker).

Blue States Have A Smaller Population Than Los Angeles County (Found on Ranker)



Counties With A GDP Over $100 Billion (Found on Ranker)



2016: Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton (Found on Ranker)


On a political map the blue areas are mainly metropolitan. The reason the Democrats want to abolish the electoral college is so those few areas will dominate and dictate to the rest of the country. Since the blue areas have greater populations they could and would. It would basically be mob rule with no controls. There are numerous drawbacks a major one being the red and blue have radically different values and philosophies. The blue imposing their values on the red would end in violence. The red imposing their values on the blue would end in violence. The electoral college was originally put in place to prevent the larger and more populated states from bullying and ruling the smaller and less populated states. The left always brings slavery and racism into everything including the electoral college. Like the pharmaceutical industry that thrives on disease the Democrats thrive on racial and social problems. They will create racial division and social problems if there are none. They will keep something artificially alive on life support for political gains, i.e. racism, white supremacy and the pandemic. There was a meme on Facebook that had a teacher in a medical school pointing to words on a blackboard that said  “A patient cured is a customer lost.” The left has the philosophy of “Problems and racial division solved are voters lost.” It is a way to control select populations. By abolishing the electoral college they would win every election effectively making a one party state. A one party state is a dictatorship. Of course if you are not unsmart you know that. They are the fascists. Their platform and philosophy verifies it. They want dictatorial control and the abolishing the electoral college would give it to them. Most people that are on the abolish the electoral college bandwagon are emotionally motivated and ignorant of the facts. It gives them a feeling of superiority for being so “avant garde.” Other tactics they are proposing are the addition of Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico as states giving them 4 more votes in the senate.s


How they bring slavery into the electoral college debate is because of the 3/5 compromise which the left twists to their advantage by making it emotional and create dissension. When the country was formed the North wanted slaves to count as property because property was taxed. Obviously the South did not want them to be taxed. They wanted slaves to count as people. The North did not want that because that would give the South more representation in the legislature. They settled on them being counted as 3/5 of a person. Had this compromise not been reached the South would not have joined the union. Had it not joined the union there would be no United States. If there was no United States you who are now reading this would probably not exist. Had there never been slavery in human history none of us would exist. The entire ancestry patterns would have been radically altered beginning about 12,000 years ago when slavery first appeared.


The majority of founders did not approve of slavery regardless of what the left tells you. Many owned slaves because they inherited them and to free them was not as simple as opening the door and saying “You’re free.” The owner had to prove they were capable of supporting themselves and surviving. Booker T. Washington wrote an extremely interesting perspective on when the slaves were freed by “The Emancipation Proclamation” and the end of the Civil War. It is in his book “Up From Slavery.” Read it. It is a fascinating and informative book. Until I read it I did not know many things including slaves, at least some probably overseers, could own guns as he talked of gunshots in celebrations. Also the founders put a clause in the Constitution that would end the slave trade in 1809. It prohibited the importation of any more slaves from that year on.. Most figured slavery would eventually end on both moral grounds and it was becoming cost prohibitive. Things the left do not tell you.


What does the Constitution say about secession (separation)? The following was found on the American Historical Association’s website under the title Can a State Constitutionally Secede?” A couple of sentences from the article. An interesting read:

“This is one of the questions of the day, and it appears to be no longer a mere abstract or theoretical question. The Constitution makes no provision for secession. A Government is not a corporation whose existence is limited by a fixed period of time, nor does it provide a means for its own dissolution. . . . . . “

“But it does not follow that because a State cannot secede constitutionally, it is obliged under all circumstances to remain in the Union. There is a natural right, which is reserved by all men, and which cannot be given to any Government, and no Government can take it away. It is the natural right of a people to form a Government for their mutual protection, for the promotion of their mutual welfare, and for such other purposes as they may deem most conducive to their mutual happiness and prosperity; but if for any cause the Government so formed should become inimical to the rights and interests of the people, instead of affording protection to their persons and property, and securing the happiness and prosperity, to attain which it was established, it is the natural right of the people to change the Government regardless of Constitutions. . . .”


It is apparent that the blue areas are incapable or unwilling to maintain and provide safety, security, stability and liberty. The following are a few sentences from the Mises Institute explaining secession (separation) followed by the link. Again quite interesting:

“Sometimes, though, states are forced to contract in size and scope. This usually happens when the cost of maintaining the status quo becomes higher than the cost of allowing a region to gain autonomy.

“Historically, the cost of maintaining unity is raised through military means. Examples of this tactic being successfully employed include the cases of the United States, the Republic of Ireland, and some of the successor states of Yugoslavia.”

“But secession and decentralization have also often been achieved through bloodless or near bloodless means. This was the case in Iceland and throughout most of the post-Iron Curtain states.

“Bloodless secession movements, however, only occur when the parent state is weakened by larger events beyond the secession movement itself. Iceland, for example, seceded in 1944, when World War II ensured that Denmark was in no position to object. The post-Soviet states seceded when the Soviet state had been rendered impotent by decades of economic decline and (in 1991) a failed coup. . . . . . ” [I will add that here in America the parent state, meaning the federal government, is being weakened by the pandemic, the economic conditions and the lawlessness taking place at this time. All Democrat instigated.]

It is possible to envision largely “amicable” separations. The model for this is the separation of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand from the the United Kingdom. . . . .”


By typing in secession many links come up. All interesting reads.


Separation is the only choice because if violence results the worst case scenario will happen in which the country breaks up violently into several sections with massive destruction. That would be much much worse than secession. The resulting carnage would be fatal for the nation. The only other option is to allow the Democrats to collapse the nation with their communist agenda or weaken our military to the point it is surrender and enslavement or lose a war that would result in massive destruction and enslavement.  Basically this scenario, or a minor variation, is what has been happening on a global scale all throughout human history. In our case in an amicable separation one side and philosophy would prove better than the other and it could be possible for the other side to merge again or at least the sections that wanted to and many would. A violent breakup was predicted by Igor Panarin, a Russian professor and former KGB agent, which I mentioned in an earlier essay. (Look up Igor Panarin in Wikipedia.) He said we would have a civil war and break up into several separate regions due to our “mass immigration, economic decline,” and “moral degradation.” He said it would happen in 2010 which has passed but we are seeing it beginning now and if we do not act it will happen. In his scenario each of the several separate regions would be occupied by a different nation or coalition of nations presumably picked by the UN. China gets the Western coastal states and Russia gets Alaska. The left is pushing these three issues he cited and they will help bring about the collapse. They have disguised them and are touting them as positives and are three legs of their platform and agenda.


Hating Trump is the fourth leg of their platform. Their hatred is appealing to the intellectually deficient, the emotionally unstable and the parasitic, and it is unfounded and is steering us towards violence and the red must not play into their hands. In the event of large scale violence between two actual opposing philosophies and if in power the Democrats could, and I wouldn’t put it past them, call on the UN for help which will only make a worst case scenario worse. I previously mentioned the possibility of the UN getting involved. In Chicago abc7chicago.com  Dec 14, 2017 had an article with the headline that read: “Boykin asks United Nations for help fighting Chicago violence.” It started out: “Cook County Commissioner Richard Boykin headed to the United Nations in New York Thursday to ask for help fighting violence in Chicago.” What this fool thinks they could do is a million dollar question. If it wasn’t for liberal mismanagement they would not have landed in the position they find themselves in. There is also an article in the New York Times (10/05/2020) titled “America might need international intervention.” Google it. It is not out of the realm of possibilities as we see at least two have already thought of it and others will follow. It is not hard to imagine the mayors and governors of the states and cities going up in flames to call for it. Our military would be assimilated into that peace keeping force. Leftists are like lemmings to the sea when it comes to harebrained ideas..


Having the unconstrained vision they believe the end justifies the means and are purposely being unreasonable to bring about violence and collapse. I discussed the constrained vs the unconstrained vision in Essay 6 part 6. They are backed by George Soros a man that has a God complex. In his book, “The Age of Fallibility”, which I mentioned earlier, he says he thinks America is responsible for the problems of the world. Something our “intellectual” college professors also believe and now a sizable portion of an entire generation of college “educated”  millennials do as well. They run around chanting “Death to America” not understanding it is the death of all the civil rights advances that have been made too, as well as many human rights advances. The death of them not only in America but everywhere. They don’t have the intellectual capacity or reasoning ability to see the authoritarian nations that are arrayed against us. They will use America’s collapse to clamp down more and persecute their opposition. The demonstrators are for the most part useless and lack the ability to critically think otherwise they would not be there.


Soros writes of wanting to influence the world for the better (at least what he considers better) and admits to actively doing so. Below I have posted a video of an interview with him titled “Is George Soros a sociopath?” In it he admits in his own words by his own mouth some of the unethical things he has unashamedly done. He like many other leftists and/or elites, and like the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bushes, Pelosi, Schumer, do not have a conscience. In his book I just mentioned he writes he is getting despondent at his age and  at the slow progress of accomplishing his goals which would make him desperate and push to collapse us out of desperation and revenge if his victory of an open society is not obtainable within his lifetime.  In July of 2020 he donated $220 million to various leftist and communist groups. The bulk of his fortune, $18 billion,  will go to his  foundations. Link below to the article and below that is the video of Soros being asked if he is a sociopath.  He is acting as a form of a “doomsday machine” against democracy. The words “doomsday machine” were coined by science fiction writers in the 1940s and 1950s when nuclear weapons were developed. It is a device that would set off nuclear weapons after the nation that had them suffered defeat and would continue destroying and killing even if the builders were dead. It would keep on killing until there was total destruction. It was developed to discourage nuclear war and if unavoidable and in the event of defeat it would be revenge. In Soros’ case it would mean his agenda would go forward. George Soros wants to be sure  he is victorious or gets revenge and has set it up for one course or the other to continue after he is dead. Also there are links in Essay 6 of his hatred for Trump and other aspects of America. 


If you read his books and look into his organizations you will see that hate and unethical behavior are part of his basic psychology. Terrorism can take different forms. There is physical terrorism, sexual terrorism, political terrorism, intellectual terrorism, and psychological terrorism. Soros is an economic terrorist. He is a financial bully. You might do well to ponder the words of Garak the Kardasian on Star Trek Deep Space 9: “Enemies make dangerous friends.” The Democrats anticipated collapse but had anticipated being in charge if the system collapsed due to their fiscal irresponsibility, their immigration policies, their destruction of education, their pro crime stances and their encouraging and validating aberrant behavior.  After the collapse they could declare martial law with themselves frozen in power. Most liberals do not have the intellectual capacity and emotional stability to foresee the consequences to be in charge of anything. If they do they are outright committing treason. Any intellectual capacity they have is tainted and corrupted by emotions.  Look at any of the cities they have been in charge of for 30, 40 or 50 years. Look at them.  As I just mentioned earlier they say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. More proof the liberals have become insane. Below is the link of Soros leaving most of his wealth to  his Open Society Foundations:


The following is a video that reveals exactly who and what George Soros really is. It is an interview with him in which, in his own words from his own mouth, shows the dishonesty and unethical behavior he would go to to achieve his ends. This was in the mid 1990s if I remember right. He is speaking. Listen and decide for yourself. I will add though he. is, lkie evryone, a product of his formative years in Nazi Germany



To be continued