8. Choices Part 5 Now for the GOP

Now for the GOP


“The world is like a drunken peasant. If you lift him into the saddle on one side, he will fall off the other side.”      Martin Luther


I have spent a lot of time on why the Democrats should not be allowed to regain power but have said little about the Republicans. I will say again what I have often said; I detest both political parties equally. Both are broken and possibly corrupt beyond repair. My detestation of the GOP became solidified when they made a sideshow impeaching President Clinton embarrassing us to the world. Clinton was no prize as a person and was a terrible president. The amount of technology the Clinton administration approved going to China was nothing short of treason. He is a major player as to why Chinese Communism is winning. It is safe to say that 90 plus percent of Democrat voters have no knowledge of that. Being as programmed as they are they may not even accept incontrovertible proof which does exist. Being emotionally motivated facts and reality do not register on them.. Now it is the Democrats that are making us look like fools with their deranged obsession of wanting to impeach President Trump. This started before he even took office. The anti-Trump “Russian collusion” narrative bombarded us daily for years. It has been proven to be fake and the Democrats and the media knew it was a lie but they kept repeating it anyway. They still do. We will discuss Trump later but I am now going to explain why the Republican Party itself should not be allowed to remain in control much longer without some changes to their shortsighted policies. At televised government hearings they do well and bring up many things that are serious issues but they do nothing. Talk is cheap without actions. It is like the saying about more being said than done. In this essay are some areas in which they need to make changes. What they are doing works now but it is not sustainable and like the actions of the Democrats will destroy our society and economy in the long run. What the Democrats want is not attainable. (Since their win in November 2020 Democrats have done considerable damage that will require Draconian measures to repair IF it is repairable at all.) Human failings are many and a primary one is the lack of concern about the future. Many profess concern but professing something and actually meaning it are two different things.  Like the Democrats the Republicans are also heading up a dead end canyon just a different canyon. The online dictionary definition of dead end is: “an end of a road or passage from which no exit is possible.” There is an exit coming up and we better take it. (With the election of Trump we have taken the exit. We now have a driver that has the opportunity to go back to where we missed the ramps to our original destination and refresh and refuel and regroup so to speak. Hopefully we will not get hung up at the off ramp and forget which way we should be going and which entrance to take.)


Capitalism today is not the capitalism that developed post WW2. The war sobered the world up and actually gave it a strong sense of unity and of right and wrong. Many, not all though, of those that became owners and captains of businesses and industries were raised old school meaning they had integrity. There were a few shady ones but they were a minority. I have to say I believe in capitalism. It has done more for the human race than any other system but as the man said “there is no such thing as a free lunch.” It also has been, and is, responsible for some very ugly and short-sighted policies and ignored foreseeable consequences in pursuit of profit. After WW2 capitalism was at the proverbial fork in the road and had the chance to do the ethical thing by society and the environment and still show a profit but greed reared its ugly head. Capitalism is based on theft as much as socialism is. As I have said the failures of both capitalism and socialism are due to human nature. They both cater to humans and humans are flawed and basically parasitic. All biological life is parasitic but we are the only ones that can radically reshape the environment and pollute it with toxic chemicals that we make. There is nothing wrong with chemicals and reshaping the environment but we do it shortsightedly not rationally. We do it not thinking of the long term consequences of our actions. We waste too much and can’t even properly dispose of our garbage.  Both systems started off with good ideals, and look good on paper, but the reality of human nature got in the way. I hope no one thinks these individual Democrats and Republicans made millions by being frugal and taking bag lunches from home to their positions in state and federal legislatures. I also hope no one believes that the dividends paid to stock holders and bonuses paid to CEOs came from ethical practices such as properly disposing of toxic wastes. I hope no one thinks the wealth accumulated by many individual Democrats and Republicans came from pinching pennies. Actually they and their friends did pinch but pinched dollars from the honest, hard working citizens.


As I said overall I am a capitalist and am for a global economy but I can see the flaws in what it has become. It has become corporate and global and lost its identity with individuals and individual nations and ethical values. Basically it has lost its connection with the human race. It views people as just statistics and consumers and in the pursuit of profit has “thrown humanity under the bus.” It has become merely a method of exploitation. I think of most corporate capitalists as Star Trek Ferengis or the Trade Federation of the Star Wars saga. Beings that have a lot of intelligence but a proportionately inverse amount of ethics, scruples, conscience, and morals. It views betrayal of principles as just good business. Dealing with places like China these corporate execs might ponder the “reward” given to the Star Wars Trade Federation by the Emperor Palpatine for their support. The logical assessment is the elites are involved with China behind the scenes but dealing with a society with a long history and a strong sense of identity and as structured a state as China is with a popular leader is like having a tiger by the tail.. Tigers eventually eat “tailholders”. China has stolen many technological innovations from outsourced businesses. Anything on Chinese soil becomes property of China. China knows these businessmen/women are not trustworthy and has a way of dealing with those they consider risky if any doubt about them crosses their minds. The Nazis tolerated capitalism as long as the capitalists pleased them. They may find they have created a Frankenstein monster. As Robert Burns said in his famous poem: “The best laid  plans of mice and men often go awry.” While many are bailing out of China they take their character and ethics with them. Eventually those ethics and characters turn into a fatal mistake.

About businessmen Philip Wylie wrote: “Any procedure that was technically legal, or could be made so to seem, became the businessman’s definition of ethics and, thus, the public definition of morality.” I am sure many Republican and Democrat elected officials started out with altruistic ideals toward the average citizen and believed what they were doing was right but ended up under the control of “handlers” who are often under the control of corporate interests. The movie The Candidate is an excellent portrayal of the manipulation and control process in politics. As international, national and local governments lose more and more control to corporations the average person will have less and less ability to affect policies. Less than now. Something most on the left seem to be oblivious to. They use the word democracy like a prostitute uses the word love,. . . .void of substance.


In one of my high school government classes (early 1960s) the teacher had previously taught government in Texas. He would occasionally take students on a field trip to the state capital in Austin to observe the legislators in action. He said it became discouraging when a bill would come up for a vote and the legislators would all turn  and look to a skybox built into the back of the chamber. The box contained the lobbyists for the oil companies. If they put their thumbs up the bill passed. If their thumbs went down the bill failed.  I am not opposed to business having input or a say in political activity. Their interests must be considered as they play a major, major role in the well being of our lives and society I am merely opposed to unethical practices. If you don’t know what is ethical and what is not you shouldn’t be in business or politics. Charles Wilson, a 34 year employee of General Motors, when being considered for a government position in the Eisenhower administration in 1953 was asked about a possible conflict of interest said: “I cannot conceive of one because for years I thought what was good for our country was good for General Motors, and vice versa. The difference did not exist. Our company is too big. It goes with the welfare of the country. Our contribution to the Nation is quite considerable.” I agree with him as like most things the relationship between business and government and the people is, or should be, a two way street, a symbiotic relationship, but the philosophy has changed radically in the last few decades. Corporate capitalists have become nothing but “robber barons” on steroids. I also am aware that those that own stock in the company figure into their business decisions. The larger the dividends the larger the CEO bonuses will be. Loyalty to ethics is a true test of honor and a sense of honor should be a prerequisite for existence. Loyalty is also a two way street. They somehow have lost sight of how important and beneficial a reliable and supportive middle class valued population is to them. Without the middle class they would be paupers. As I said it should be a symbiotic relationship between the elites and those with middle class values and work ethics In other words those in the trenches of productive labor (streets, fields,  factories and offices) as from there come the workers and the management personnel. The trenches of battlefields have a similarity. A general without troops is merely a private. Without skilled or loyal troops a loser in a battle. A CEO without a labor force is merely a janitor with an office. The definition of symbiotic is “involving interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association.” and “denoting a mutually beneficial relationship between different people or groups.” They are placing their eggs in the basket of AI. They think they are superior and that they can outwit AI. Their downfall. They are smart no doubt about it but you will never out think someone or something smarter than you are. These business titans, egotistical heads of state and egghead scientists have no idea what they are releasing.


The elected officials are the faces of the government that we elect. The elections and witty little sayings like “I like Ike,”  “Yes we can,” “War on Poverty,” “I’m with her,”  and “Riden’ with Biden” keep us deluded thinking that we matter. Business interests now control the state which means they actually control everything. As well as the behind the scenes government they control Hollywood, sports, and the media. This behind the scenes, invisible part of government has been given the name “deep state.” I discussed this in Essay 4 section 4 and quoted Michael Parenti from his book “Against Empire” The state and the government are two separate entities.  The state does the bidding of the nameless, faceless people with money and power. (Money is power.)  Some are visible such as George Soros and his foundations (on the left) and the Koch Brother’s foundations (on the right). People like Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerburg, and Jeff Bezos, are also in the mix on one side or the other to some extent. (Elon Musk is among the wealthy but he is somewhat of a “maverick”. A refreshing sight but he is a billionaire but I think we stand a better chance with him than many of the others) Their influence has long tentacles and they are just a few. I am not opposed to wealth, even extreme wealth or even obscene wealth. Most people have  a “calling”. Something they like and are good at. Something they excel at. The calling of the very wealthy is business and that is how they got their money or added to wealth already in their possession.. As much as many rant and rail at the wealthy if it wasn’t for innovators and the business minded we would still be in primitive conditions with no modern technology . Their drive has created virtually all we see and have. As I said I am not opposed to extreme wealth.  I oppose unethical conduct.

There is a difference between a businessman/woman and a criminal. Criminals belong in jail. A person that has to make money dishonestly or unethically is not a businessman/(woman). These Elitist organizations and those that are the members of these organizations are global in nature. I also understand money has no borders. They used to meet in secret to discuss problems of the world and a meme on Facebook said it all. “Do you really think the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world are meeting in secret to discuss something that will benefit you?”  Now they no longer meet in secret. I have to admit many of their goals are accurate from a standpoint of logic.. Although their names and organizations may be identified with different parties and groups in different nations globally it is logical to think they are in league with each other to some degree or other. Remember the old saying about “the ties that bind” and tying money and power make very tight knots. And as I have said money is power. There is a reverse side also. There is always a reverse side. Sort of like the scientific principle of for every action there is an equal opposite reaction or in the economic law of “diminishing returns”. One counterweight, one of several, is they are basically dealing with people like  themselves all subconsciously wanting to be the “top.” If these elites get the whole pie by eliminating national boundaries they will start on each other. It is the nature of the beast.


The following two quotes about capitalism and capitalists come from “Generation of Vipers” by Philip Wylie, an author of science fiction, a political writer, and a newspaper columnist. Wylie was a brilliant writer that saw the fatal flaws in American society, and humanity, long before most anyone else. (The book has been long out of print but can be found on Amazon, eBay, or at a used book store. There are some more quotes from it in the Books Worth Reading section.) Remember I am a supporter of capitalism I am just realistic and factor human nature into the equation.

“The economic system of theft has one immense advantage: it works. But it also has one great disadvantage: it works only while there is something to steal.”

“The chief hypocrites of A.D. 30 were the businessmen and they are still tops.”


The first issue I have fault with the GOP and the right on is climate change/global warming. There are numerous scientists that believe in it and numerous ones that don’t both with stacks of graphs, charts, reports, statistics and so forth. The fact many researchers deny it is because their financial support often comes from organizations that profit from destroying it. The extra money to properly deal with it would cut into their profits and bonuses. I happen to believe in it from personal observations. I would listen to the arguments on both perspectives and after looking at both I used my observations and experiences to make my decision. Actually I am going to do that a couple of times in this essay as some are my assessments and opinions of some issues and what I think needs to be done or changed. These are incidents that I have personally run across that have made me think or rethink deeply about certain issues. These are personal experiences that tipped the scales one way or the other and made my mind up. They may seem trivial and insignificant but these incidents and observations have obviously made indelible impressions in my memory as some occurred decades ago. My thoughts are not always completely conservative but I feel they are logical. I have spent a lot of time in many different places throughout the United States. I have been particularly fond of the Florida Keys and since the late 80s have spent a lot of time there.. I like warm weather and boats. The Florida Keys is a chain of subtropical islands stretching from south of Miami connected by a series of bridges ending over a hundred miles away in Key West.  Miami Beach has an average elevation of 4 feet. The water level in the waters surrounding Miami-Dade County has risen 6 inches since the late 90s.  The Miami-Dade County web page says: “By 2040, sea levels are expected to be 10 to 17 inches higher than 2000 levels.” I was looking at the water one night in the Keys and a woman that was born and raised in the Keys came walking by and I commented to her “It never used to get this high” and she shook her head and replied “Never!”



The marina  where I had my sailboat docked has had a noticeable water level rise. I lived on it for a number of years and worked at jobs that were on waterfront property and the house I lived in for years was a hundred yards from the beach so my observations have been on a daily basis spread over years. I observed it starting in the late 80s and early 90s and the dock where I had my boat now has a water level higher by about 8 inches at super high tide. I am talking about only normal super high tide cycle conditions not during storms when higher levels would be expected. One of the main docks during the annual super tides now has water sloshing over it, something it never did. Many of the boat captains and residents that have lived there, some 40 or 50 years, many having been born there, also have witnessed it rise. There is one neighborhood in Key Largo that the streets were underwater for over 100 consecutive days. It was never that bad when I lived in the Keys. It made the national news so many of you may be aware of it. I am not sure about delivery vehicles like UPS or the post office but because of the damage salt water does to vehicles the sheriff would not respond to calls there unless they were emergencies. You can’t blame them because salt water destroys vehicles and taxpayers foot the bills. The residents of this area were complaining about the road being under water. The county acknowledged it but has determined it would cost over a billion dollars to raise all the roads, around 314 miles, in the Keys but that would only delay the inevitable. How many times can you do that? .

The charter boat captains have been talking about the changes in the patterns and seasons of fish migrations. Dolphins used to be a summer fish but their arrival has moved later and later. (Not Flipper dolphins these are an actual fish. They are also known as Mahi Mahi.) Same with other fish species also.

This little tidbit should “warm the cockles of your heart” as the old saying goes. The Strategic Petroleum Reserves are near the coast. Elevations of these locations go from 7 feet to a “towering” 59n feet. Sleep tight.



 I know the earth goes through cycles and the Keys were underwater at one time. At  one time parts of Georgia and Alabama were also underwater. Also at one time the ocean level was lower so Florida and the Keys  actually had more land area. The present rate of rise is not exactly known but is only guesstimated at but it could be faster than even pessimistic guesses. It could also be slower too. You don’t know if you are going to have an accident but if you are sensible you have insurance. You try and plan ahead and take actions to prevent problems. The difference is it is happening again and now we are here. Rising oceans means many coastlines of the entire planet will be affected and be flooded more often. As well as the example I mentioned above of the neighborhood in Key Largo being underwater for over 100 days another example close to home for many is the flooding problems New York had during some of the storms and hurricanes. Globally around 40%, give or take, of the human population lives within the areas that will be affected so two to three billion people will be affected globally. Not only will there be the displacement of people losing their homes and jobs due to regular increased damage there will be the damage or outright loss of factories, hospitals, farm lands, food processors, oil refineries and storage facilities, strategic oil reserves, shipping ports, airports, and military bases to name a few necessary things. The damage done to places like Homestead, Fort Myers and Mexico Beach in Florida from hurricanes took years to repair and rebuild. In 2024 a hurricane did extensive damage and resulted in a large number of fatalities in North Carolina and the section of it is far from the coast. It could happen more often with the changing weather patterns. That will create chaos and economic hardship. Ignoring, delaying and denying it as some on the right are doing will not solve the problem anymore than ignoring cancer solves that problem. Also running off in an emotional panic as the left does will not solve it either. Are we responsible? No but we are a factor in the equation. We must assess this factor and plan for it..


We need to think ahead and plan for the worst. The loss of the above mentioned facilities is a worst case scenario but the possibility of it is very real and the odds favor it to a degree with some level of rise at this point in time. Remember if something is not 101% impossible it is still on the table. It is better to plan for the worst case scenario and have the best happen rather than planning for the best and the worst happen. Even if it is a hundred years from now we should not drop it into the laps of our descendants. Even if the rise is only a few feet it will create enormous problems. Storms will do more damage. Glaciers are melting. That is a fact. You can’t buy car insurance after you have an accident. Hospitals, military bases, farms, food processing plants, manufacturing plants of basic items, fire departments, emergency medical facilities, law enforcement facilities and so on that are inland need to be made self-sufficient, as much as possible, so if the coasts do become flooded and become uninhabitable there will be a solid and functioning inland infrastructure to maintain a semblance of order in areas that will be above the potential water line so as to be able to adequately deal with the massive influx of people. The masses now streaming over the borders to the US and Europe are a sprinkle compared to the torrential downpour on the horizon. These areas must be self sustaining with energy. Even if the ocean did not rise those facilities should be self sufficient thereby stretching our available petroleum supplies to be used for motor vehicles and in the manufacture of goods. (A fact is electricity can run your computer and charge your phone but it can’t make either. It also can’t make the medicine you take and many of the containers for the food you eat. If you use paper you are cutting down trees. No free lunch. Electricity figures into processes but they also require petroleum.) Google “how does petroleum factor into making medicine”. The following came up.

“Most pharmaceutical drugs are made via chemical reactions that involve the use of organic molecules. Petroleum is a plentiful source of organic molecules that feed into the drug synthesis process. Some sources cite as much as 99% of pharmaceutical feedstocks and reagents as coming from petrochemical sources”.

(You “just stop oilers” roll that around in your heads.) 

Although things will be unpleasant at best and ugly at worst at least the basic necessities will be available as a nucleus of society’s basics to rebuild around. They need to be outfitted to be solar and wind powered and the research for other energy sources needs to continue. Also jails and prisons need to be upgraded and do an assessment of who should be in and who should not. There are many that really should not be in jail that are and many that aren’t that should be. Prisoners will need to be moved. You can’t just leave them and you can’t just release them and you can’t just kill them. Many jails and prisons are now releasing prisoners due to the coronavirus but that should not be an option. Many are being released due to “woke” prosecutors. I am not going to go into a tirade about that now but the consequences will soon be apparent. More shortsighted, foolish mistakes by those in charge.


Once reality hits and it is accepted beyond any doubt the coasts are going under to build the necessary infrastructure will be more difficult, more expensive and less possible to construct. Finances will be scarce as many of the above mentioned factories and installations will regularly be out of operation and people will be unemployed. Perhaps not all at the same time but shutdowns will be common. As well as finances many material resources and trained personnel will be unavailable. The Republicans ignore or deny the problem and the Democrats come up with the harebrained Green New Deal. That will only make things worse because it hasn’t addressed any of the root causes of the problem and they are oblivious of the logistics and finances involved in the plan. What we need to do is begin far inland and work towards the coasts and redo the facilities that are necessary foundations for organized society.


The upshot is you can’t tell me the ocean level isn’t rising I watched it rise over a 30 plus year span of time. Climate change/global warming are real. A more appropriate name might be weather pattern change rather than global warming. Just because during the winter months we have been getting some brutal snow blizzards does not negate the global warming scenario. It verifies the climate patterns are changing which will affect the environment which will radically affect us all. Many on the right and the oil lobbies might be able to convince someone that lives inland but not me or anyone that has lived on the coast for any length of time. Actually those in the mid-west know the winter storms are getting more brutal and their arrival times have been changing. Are we at fault? No because the earth goes through cycles but we do significantly figure into the equation and we need to take that factor into account. (If you remember we talked about the necessity of equations to be complete and accurate.) We need to start taking it seriously and preparing now little by little to prevent the criminal act of inaction and prevent our grandchildren from having to act in haste when it will be far more difficult, costly and possibly impossible. We need to start preparing now. We should have started decades ago.


The environment is another area I have issues with many in the GOP on. I am for transitioning to sustainable, renewable energy. Petroleum is finite meaning that it is not unlimited in supply. It is also a nasty substance that pollutes the ground, the water and the air, three things we need for survival. The GOP and many on the right being in the pockets of the oil industry oppose any change to solar or wind for energy. Other nations are investing in solar and wind and having some success while we have had little success, at least when the government was involved. (Elon Musk and Tesla seem to be making headway. He is also making headway in space and now in free speech.) Steam and petroleum had setbacks initially. I mentioned earlier the fallacy of not keeping up with advances in energy. The Dutch used sail power and created a large Empire. The British began converting to steam as a propulsion system and overtook the wind power of the Dutch. Wars (there are always wars) and colonialism also figured into the rise of the British Empire but steam powered vessels gave them the added edge that helped create and hold their empire. The Titanic was steam. Not only did steam power their ocean going vessels it powered transportation on land. The British invented the steam locomotive and steam was used to transport goods on land before it went to sea. Britain had deposits of coal within its borders so it was an easy conversion. The British Empire lost its dominance to the United States when the US began using oil for the main source of energy. The conversion to petroleum for ship power made the steam power of the coal vessels obsolete. There were actually automobiles made that were powered by steam but they couldn’t match the cost and efficiency of Henry Ford’s mass produced, gas powered automobile. Petroleum made the private automobile possible.

Petroleum also made such things as airplanes,  and submarines possible. Submarines ran on batteries while submerged for obvious reasons. There was no supply of air to make combustion possible and even if it were available the exhaust would kill everyone on board. If they used an exhaust system expelling the exhaust the bubbles would give their location away to enemy vessels. They charged the batteries while on the surface with generators while running on the diesel motors. The US had large quantities of oil within its borders so it was an easy conversion for them. Wind, coal or oil all translate into energy which any society needs. In past history energy was human or draft animals, crude water wheels and windmills but they were still classified as energy. The US is going to lose its dominance due in part to failure to convert to the energy of the future which is solar and wind (or possibly hydrogen or some other as yet undiscovered source). The GOP in the pockets of the oil industry refuses any attempt to convert. We are going to be in deep problems when we are still relying on petroleum if other parts of the world are successfully using wind and solar.

I will add I am for doing research and development in other types of energy. Solar and wind both have environmental issues. Solar alters the temperature in regions it is in and the panels and nothing can grow where they are. Also wildlife does not flourish in solar panel areas. Wind turbine blades are also not recyclable.


The incentive is there to convert, at least for any sane person. We can’t get rid of petroleum overnight like many are advocating but we can slowly begin to reduce our reliance on it in some areas.  Wean ourselves off like drug addicts weaning themselves off addictive narcotics. The comparison of addiction to narcotics to our addiction to petroleum is quite accurate. I remember a political cartoon from decades ago in one of the newspapers that had Uncle Sam injecting himself with a hypodermic needle labeled oil and the barrel of the syringe looked like an oil drum. As well as replacing the energy source an equal effort must be made to retrain present workers, starting with the younger ones, to other occupations. Whatever energy source we switch to needs labor. Oil is highly polluting to the soil, water and air. Due to the lack of traditional type wells we are now fracking which will turn into an environmental nightmare down the road. Fracking is basically shattering the rock layers far underground to release the petroleum.  In the process highly toxic waste materials are produced. It also contaminates the underground water supply and it creates weak spots deep underground. The entry under fracking in Wikipedia starts:

Hydraulic fracturing (also called fracking, . . . . ) is a well stimulation technique in which rock is fractured by a pressurized liquid. The process involves the high-pressure injection of ‘fracking fluid’ (primarily water, containing sand or other proppants suspended with the aid of thickening agents) into a wellbore to create cracks in the deep-rock formations through which natural gas, petroleum, and brine will flow more freely. When the hydraulic pressure is removed from the well, small grains of hydraulic fracturing proppants (either sand or aluminium oxide) hold the fractures open.

“Hydraulic fracturing began as an experiment in 1947, and the first commercially successful application followed in 1950. As of 2012, 2.5 million “frac jobs” had been performed worldwide on oil and gas wells; over one million of those within the U.S. . . . . ” That was 10 years ago. How many more have they performed since?

Think about that.


No superior species would do this. (Of course no superior species would build New York City, Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Newark, Miami, London, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, Moscow, Beijing, Manila and a long list of other filthy, disease producing, crime infested cities.) The wastes from petroleum contaminate land on which is grown the food we eat. It also contaminates the water we drink. The burning of oil pollutes the air we breathe. I lived in Los Angeles County, California from 1957 to 1988 and I, and everyone else, watched smog increase in the Los Angeles basin as the number of petroleum fueled vehicles and manufacturing increased. Smog is haze composed of smoke and pollutants.  The leaders of the right and the petroleum industry told and tell us not to worry. Yeah right! Decades ago the oil industry also told us there was plenty of oil making it sound like the supply was infinite.  I remember as a boy growing up outside of Long Beach California where the land under the oil fields was sinking at one time due to the empty pockets created by pumping oil from them. The site www.longbeach.gov has the following in an article: “Long Beach was once known as the “Sinking City”. Oil and gas production from the giant Wilmington Oil Field, where 3.75 billion barrels (42 gallons per barrel) have been produced, created a land surface “subsidence bowl” of up to 29 feet deep in and around the Port of Long Beach (Port) and along the coastal strand of the City of Long Beach. Over 20 square miles have been affected adjacent to the shoreline from the Port to Seal Beach. Early 1940’s groundwater pumping contributed to the land sinking, but the majority of the subsidence resulted from oil and gas extraction. Damage to public and private property and the rebuilding of Port facilities have cost billions in today’s dollars. I can remember the adults talking about it in the late 50s. The general consensus was the oil companies said not to worry. I was reminded of that when during the Congressional hearings about tobacco I watched tobacco company executives lying through their teeth saying tobacco was harmless. The asbestos companies denied asbestos was harmful. Gee. If you can’t trust the oil and tobacco companies who can you trust? The bottom line is petroleum is destroying our life support systems. One of the several ways we are digging our own graves. That is a clue of a stupid species. Stupid fits.


I am not advocating the absurd Green New Deal of the Democrats. We are set up for petroleum and to attempt to convert quickly will result in disaster. You can’t go “cold turkey.” Not converting will also end in disaster.  It has to be a gradual conversion to solar and wind or maybe some other type of clean energy not yet discovered. We can’t convert until it is developed and the “bugs” worked out. Start now. Fortunately there are some far thinking people such as Elon Musk that are taking action. The reason the investments in wind and solar fail is because they are run by government bureaucrats. Bureaucrats are necessary and have their place and no society, ours included, can function and thrive without them but they do not have the perspective that business requires for such ventures. Government bureaucracy and a successful business are contradictory. The failure of socialism has always been laid at the feet of socialist bureaucrats, politicians and human nature. (The failure of capitalism can be dropped into the laps of businessmen/women, human nature and bureaucratic regulations.) It is like driving square pegs into round holes. The outcome of the Green New Deal will be totally opposite of what they fantasize it being.


Another issue I have with the right concerns medical care. Again I will use personal observations rather than all the volumes of special interest reports used to convince people and  “muddy the waters” one way or the other.  The Party in 1984 told you to ignore what you saw if it conflicted with their ideology and narrative. Ask a bureaucrat or an intellectual about a labor or service related problem and ask a person that actually performs the labor or service and you will get two totally different answers. There are reports from both sides of the political spectrum pushing their perspectives and agendas but I have experienced enough to form an opinion. I have also read many, many horror stories from people about their own personal experiences and most reports have a political bias one way or the other. I became soured on our medical system in the late 60s and early 70s. At that time a young woman I had met at one of the nightspots that I frequented had suffered an overdose of drugs. Some of her friends rushed her to a hospital and the hospital refused her because she had no money or insurance. They rushed her to another hospital where they did admit her and she did survive.. I do not know what ultimately happened to her later in life and it would not surprise me if the saving of her at that hospital only delayed a similar possible, even probable, out come. This one thing made my mind up about our medical system. I have thought about that incident numerous times throughout the years. There should not be one in need of medical treatment not able to get it. (In 1986 congress passed the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act which required hospital emergency rooms to treat a person in emergency situations.)

She, and others like her both male and female whose numbers are many and growing, will always be a drain on society and the money and effort spent on them would be better used elsewhere but in Western civilization, even with its’ emphasis on individualism,  one of our core beliefs is that we are our brother’s (and sisters) keeper. That is basic to Christianity which cultivated Western civilization. What if these brothers and sisters won’t or can’t keep themselves? Many are mentally not capable of caring for themselves so what then? To ignore them is callous and to try to “save” them is social suicide. Their growing numbers will overload the system taking funds from other necessary programs. I do not believe in the “blank slate” as some do. That is the belief we are completely blank at birth. I believe genetic, both physical and psychological, traits can be inherited. Many are born with negative or destructive inclinations, in the words of Milton “Crooked by nature bent.” I do not necessarily mean evil and malicious just flawed. The entire human race is flawed. We are a terribly flawed species. A large number will always consume more resources and energy than they produce which is a negative drain on society as a whole. Once the drain is greater than the input society is on borrowed time. We are approaching that time. I am actually beginning to believe we are past it. The essence of the situation is like Commander Spock on Star Trek The Original Series assessing tribbles on the episode “The Trouble With Tribbles”:  “They remind me of the lilies of the field. They toil not, neither do they spin. But they seem to eat a great deal. I see no practical use for them.”  The GOP all but ignores the human tribbles because the conservative attitude is they are only responsible for their own problems, which contradicts Christianity, or the private business sector will take care of it. The Democrats want to support them and make their negative lifestyles acceptable thereby increasing their numbers. Have a dozen kids no problem we will support them. There is a numerous facet answer to the problem we will discuss sometime in the future. If we are to survive we must deal with this issue and there is no good answer. We start by acknowledging it and talking about it.


Another problem I have with our medical system is the cost of medication and medical supplies. While I was living in rural North Florida one of the men in the area was bitten by a rabid fox. The treatment for rabies consists of a series of ten shots. The cost of the shots was $1000 a shot. A SHOT!!!! The alternative was a slow agonizing death. Rabies is considered 100% fatal. After that a person I personally knew was also bitten by a rabid fox and I asked if the costs I heard were accurate. His answer was yes. Why does any shot cost a grand? A friend of mine had cancer and some of the treatments consisted of shots. She told me one cost thousands of dollars.


I can’t remember when as at one time I listened to them for hours but years ago on one of the public radio shows or call-in shows was the case of a woman traveling in Asia and was bitten by a rabid monkey.  I want to state I listened to public radio back when they were an actual credible source of information. .(Interesting factoid: Monkeys carry rabies and in India they are the second most common transmitters of rabies to humans. Dogs are first.) She had to get the series of rabies shots and went to the hospital in whatever country she was in and the shot was under $10. Her next shot was in another Asian nation and it was again under $10. She returned to the states and went to the hospital to continue the series and the next shot was $1400 dollars. When she went to her doctor he said she should have come to him as he could have given it to her for half that amount, $700. I am basically a capitalist but unlike many on the right I can see the flaws. I think I understand Adam Smith who the right holds in esteem for his “Wealth of Nations.” He was for capitalism but actually had a rather poor opinion of capitalists. He felt that money would corrupt them and the system. I am of the opinion that capitalism doesn’t have to be regulated but capitalists need to be. If they don’t want monitoring that tells you all you need to know to justify it. Much of our private sector, especially large corporations, have come to take on the characteristics of criminal enterprises.

Here is a video in which a couple was charged over $200,000 for two rabies shots one each. That is criminal. The person or persons behind this needs to be jailed to help protect society. They aren’t doctors or administrators they are thieves. Like Commander Spock not seeing a practical use for tribbles because they ate too much I see no practical value of those that would charge that amount for two shots. They steal too much.


On the other side of the coin many, if not most, of our public ventures and institutions are run by incompetents. The type that have personal axes to grind or a political agenda and if money was placed in one hand and water in the other the money would flow through faster than the water. Following both to their ultimate ends you find the robber barons on one side lording over the poor working for basically change under sweatshop conditions and on the other side the socialists like the late Hugo Chavez that socialized Venezuela turning it from a vibrant economy to a poverty stricken third world, crudely but accurately put, “shit hole.” A place where the poor and middle class were ultimately reduced to eating their pets and zoo animals and rummaging through garbage cans for food. (Recently Kim Jong Un of North Korea ordered all pet dogs to be picked up. Many think it is because of a food shortage but the official narrative is they are a symbol of the decadent West. North Korea is a socialist nation.)  Chavez was voted in by the poor who see themselves as victims and envisioned confiscating the wealth of the robber barons and living like kings but it turned out to be the same age old story of criminals elected by the desperate and least qualified to make an informed vote. By the way his daughter is worth about six billion bucks. So much for democratic socialism, equality and equity. The Obamas, the Clintons and the Bidens are trying to catch up. As far as the attitude of Kim Jong Un I actually can see it from that standpoint. We have people pampering their pets (of which I am one) and homeless people living on the streets, of large mostly Democrat cities, dying of drug overdoses and neglect and crapping on the sidewalks. The promise of free money from the government always ends in disaster Those that are looking for reparations will find out when they are rummaging through garbage cans for food or the Chinese have them in fields picking beans.


Overall Medicare for all would be a good thing if done right. In a breaking into two countries, red and blue, Medicare would be a major issue for many myself included. Medicare has four parts: A, B, C and D. Part A covers the Hospital and Hospice expenses. Part B covers doctors and visits to doctors (those that choose to participate and accept Medicare. It is voluntary on the doctor’s part.) Part D is the prescription plan. Medicare Part A is automatically received at this time at age 65. It is not charged for as a person pays for it by a payroll tax throughout their employment years. Part B which covers doctors can be purchased to coincide with A. Here is an extremely simplified explanation of how medicare works. Part A works like this, if a hospital bill is let’s say $1,000 for some service Medicare has some type of formula and determines the procedure was worth $300 or some amount and that is the amount they will pay on. The healthcare provider accepts the $300 and the $700 is written off. Medicare pays 80% of the $300 which is $240 and the patient is responsible for the balance which is $60. Many purchase a supplemental policy which pays the $60 or a portion of it depending on which supplemental policy they purchase. More expensive policies pay more up to the total amount which could be thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars. Part B which covers doctors fees works about the same way. Part C is the Medicare Advantage plan. The Part D is the prescription supplement and works much the same way as Parts A and B. While Medicare for all is a good idea it has to be done right. It should be available to all at the time of and during employment. Whether it continues or not depends on the reasons for non-employment. It should also be purchased. They should pay a reasonable amount for A and B from their paychecks as taxes. Now, at the time of this writing, Part B is around $110 a month or so. Most prescription plans are $50 t0 $75 a month for decent ones. These figures are several years old so costs are more now. A schedule could be worked out taking in factors such as age, student status, marital status, children, and income, etc. It is possible that a compilation of preventative procedures such as vaccinations (some vaccinations), annual wellness checks, blood tests, EKGs, etc. could be implemented in an effort to reduce future costs.  Put some brains behind it and it will work itself out. (As long as they aren’t college professors.)


Medical equipment is also an outrageously overpriced item(s).  A filter for a CPAP machine (a device that helps breathing at night for those with breathing issues) is a small foam filter measuring 1  and 1/2 inch by 3/4 of an inch. It is about 3/16 of an inch thick.. Price? $27 dollars. Price for hoses and masks and the machines are also outrageous. The CPAP machines are basically small air pumps that pump air into a sleeping person at a controlled pressure similar to a respirator. They can cost upwards to a thousand dollars or more. Legalized theft. There is nothing else to call it. There is no such thing as a free lunch. This is something liberals do not understand. Someone pays. It has to be analyzed and a plan formulated. Our medical system represented by the right and the socialized medicine run by the government crowd on the left are both flawed.


In my 20s and 30s I had an excellent doctor. (He was in private practice.)  He once told me he didn’t like the economics of being a doctor. He went to school to be a doctor but the system forces you to become a businessman. He pointed to an x-ray machine and said that cost $25,000. (This was in the late 60s.) He then spoke of other costs: rent, staff, insurance etc. He said he didn’t go to school to be a businessman but he was forced to become one. He finally gave up private practice and went to work in a clinic. He also gave me two good pieces of advice. “Good food is cheap medicine” and “the human body is designed so that it can usually repair itself regardless of what we doctors do so the patient gets well and is around to pay the bill.”

I do believe that people that spend years in college becoming professionals should be well compensated for their services.


Many think the government can just print money. They could but the consequences would be catastrophic. The result is hyper inflation. I have an actual 100,000,000,000,000 (100 trillion) dollar bill from Zimbabwe. It is virtually worthless. The government just printed money and gave everyone money. It took on the value of money from the game of Monopoly. Germany did the same thing prior to WW2. Their money also became worthless which helped pave the way for the rise of Hitler. You can’t bend rules of some things, economics is one. (Mathematics, gravity and physics are three others.) You can sometimes artificially bend or suspend some temporarily but ultimately the “piper must be paid.” An airplane can defy gravity with proper aerodynamics and power but cut the power and it falls. You can rob Peter to pay Paul but sooner or later Peter runs out of money or gets fed up and he comes looking for his money.  It is beyond understanding how  people are unable to comprehend that. The trillions of dollars in bailouts for the coronavirus and reckless spending by the left will bring about inflation. Bet on it. The money the present administration is spending is going to lead to disaster. Compounding the situation is the trillions of dollars other Democrats are proposing.


I am for college education being paid for under some conditions. One is it is something that is of value to the nation. There was one woman with a sign protesting her student loan. She was over $200,000 in debt. Her major? Greek mythology. Greek mythology is a waste of money. How someone could rack up that much on Greek Mythology is beyond comprehension. Another was a guy in debt $33,000. He majored in music playing the guitar. Taxpayers would have been better served if the money was handed out for people to wipe with. Sorry to be a bit crude but that is a fact. Gender and ethnic studies are a waste of money and are useless. These people are basically parasites leeching off those that actually contribute something of practical value. As well as something practical for society there should be a period of time that is owed to society that paid the bill. A doctor. a nurse, a technician, a dentist or skilled labor etc could work for x number of years for the VA or a clinic, in a rural area needing them or at some labor beneficial to those that paid the bill. In the medical field some could work as caregivers which would help defray Medicare costs. They would get paid wages of course and a certain amount would automatically be deducted from their debt each year. This amount would not affect their pay. Some organizations, both trade and professional, have schooling for their needed positions. Some law enforcement agencies pay recruits to go to their academy with the stipulation they give x number of years being employed by the agency. Douglas Aircraft  in Southern California in the late sixties had a course that sent people to training for aircraft assembly. They were hired before the class began and were paid for attending and after completion they went to work under the supervision of experienced assemblers. Not everyone should be expected to go to college. The book The UnHeavenly City Revisited” has some excellent takes on education. Those interested in fixing the problems in the inner cities and the educational system should read it. There is a report on it in the Books Worth Reading section of this site.


Another area I have problems with the right, most being GOP, about is DACA or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. From Wikipedia “(DACA) is a United States immigration policy that allows some individuals with unlawful presence in the United States after being brought to the country as children to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and become eligible for a work permit in the U.S. To be eligible for the program, recipients cannot have felonies or serious misdemeanors on their records.”  As I said these are my experiences and are often very minor but they got me to thinking and realized the system is flawed. My only personal experience with a person that would fall into this category was while working in a jail and an arrest was brought in on a minor charge. He was actually a citizen of El Salvador. He came to the United States at age 2 with his parents. (He was in his early twenties.) He had not been to El Salvador since he left at age 2. He spoke some Spanish but spoke English perfectly. He was worried about possibly being deported back to El Salvador and I personally did not think that was right. True he could have and should have applied for citizenship but didn’t. He did not have any serious record so he would not have been a risk and his charge was minor. I am for allowing anyone to stay that can and will contribute to the country with the simple stipulation of be a good citizen and assimilate into the culture. As it is now the left has made abuse of the system a regular occurrence. They have encouraged illegal immigration. If you are going to let people in you don’t want people that are more trouble than they are worth. We could trade a college educated liberal professor for a field hand migrant with common sense. We would get the better of the bargain.

At this point Donald Trump was just elected President. He is having illegal immigrants rounded up. At this point he is going for the “worst first”. Those with criminal records are being deported. We have many that are in gangs and are violent criminals. Why the Democrats want them is because they will be future voters.


I quoted Hayek in a prior essay about sometimes the results of actions are the opposite of what was intended. Naturally everyone else is to blame rather than admit your actions caused, at least partially, the consequences. Case in point was the student demonstrations of the 60s. They were opposed to the Vietnam war, the “pigs” (cops), capitalism, and were for free speech, free love and dope. They did not realize that regardless of how much they despised capitalists the capitalists were not stupid. The business leaders observed the students and the college professors and could see the writing on the wall. This made them more receptive to the goals of the forerunners of the WEF (World Economic Forum) in abandoning America. The unions also figured into it. They kept bargaining for higher wages and eventually priced themselves right out of jobs. And in some cases pensions I might add. They could go somewhere else and pay low wages and no benefits. Even with the cost of uprooting and moving it was cost effective for them. The rich could see the direction of the country. They bailed and outsourced their manufacturing. That was not the only factor but it did figure into their decision. Whether you think the very wealthy are dishonest, corrupt, unethical, sleazy, and/or whatever that is basically irrelevant. As I have said more than once they do not have the fatal flaw of stupidity.. The rich are rich for a reason. If people running around in masks tipping over garbage cans and setting them on fire and breaking store front windows and looting think they are going to outsmart the Bill Gates, the Koch Brothers, the Bezos’s, the Musks and others of the world it shows just how lacking of intelligence and infantile they really are. In fact many of the people behind their actions, unbeknownst to them, are the people  they claim to hate. The same mindset today screams for increased wages and tax the rich and corporations but fails to look at the consequences. Corporations left because they could manufacture cheaper in China or elsewhere overseas, and pay less in taxes and benefits and have less regulations and less liability risks. Why would they stick around to pay $15 dollars an hour to an unskilled laborer and a high tax rate when they could manufacture overseas cheaper, ship it to the United States and still make more profit? People that can’t or won’t understand are why many smart people are rich. Not only did the protestors and unions not take into account lost jobs therefore lost tax revenue the protestor’s self-righteous attitude set the stage to eliminate free speech which they claim to be for.


F.A. Hayek said our flaws are often seen better by our enemies than ourselves: “As is so often true, the nature of our civilization has been seen more clearly by its enemies than by most of its friends………….” Outsourcing was predicted long ago before the US became the hegemon it is. It was predicted by one of our enemies, Lenin. The following is a quote from the book “Against Empire” (2001) by Michael Parenti:

“As early as 1916, Lenin pointed out that as it advanced, capitalism would export not only its goods but it’s very capital, not only its products, but its entire production process. Today, most giant US firms do just that, exporting their technology, factories, and sales networks – and our jobs. It is well-known that General Motors has been closing down factories in the USA. Less well known is that for many years GM has been spending millions of dollars abroad on new auto plants in countries where wages are far less than what American auto workers are paid. This means bigger profits for GM and more unemployment for Detroit.

“Over the last 20 years, American firms have tripled their total outlay in other countries, their fastest growth rate being in the Third World. Nor is this trend likely to reverse itself. American capitalism is now producing abroad eight times more than it exports. Many firms have shifted all their manufacturing activities to foreign lands. All the cameras sold in the USA are made overseas, as are almost all the bicycles, tape recorders, radios, television sets, VCRs, and computers.”

An extremely large percentage of our goods are made in China. China is now a threat to our economy and our safety and we have helped make it so. The following link contains pictures of Detroit. Keep in mind it was once the automobile capital of the world. It is the future under leftist socialist rule. I acknowledge capitalists outsourced but why exacerbate the problems?


As far as we are concerned–stupid us. As for the ones in public office and in corporate business- -dishonest, corrupt them.


The GOP has traditionally sided with big business over the greater good believing business serves the greater good. I agree business serves the greater good when it is run ethically. I also believe those that are the recipients benefiting from the greater good be realistic about it. These are where the problems arise. I believe capitalism is the best system and the flaws are not with capitalism itself they are with capitalists, specifically corporate capitalists.. Since capitalists are human the problem comes back to human nature. There has always been the old tale of the butcher putting his finger on the scale or the “flim flam” con man and snake oil salesman and criminal organizations such as the La Cosa Nostra, the Mafia and the drug cartels in Mexico, Columbia and Asia  but corporate capitalism has taken crime to a whole new level. Just as I have said there probably is nothing in the universe as dumb as a human teenager (and now college student) I am willing to say there is probably nothing in the universe as unethical as a large percentage of human corporate capitalists. They would be tough competition for the Ferengi of Star Trek. However, we need them and they need stable, capable and dependable labor (and customers) which we used to be able to supply. (Unfortunately it is reaching the point where dictatorships can provide a more stable environment than the US or the West in general because we allow too much freedom.) At one time the relationship between business and labor was mutually beneficial. I have to restate again I am a capitalist. I feel conservatives have dropped the ball in requiring integrity in business. The left has figured negatively into the equation because they are too permissive and promote social rot and decay. For  a society and business to be successful and sustainable it must be a “give and take” yin yang type relationship. The following are thoughts from Henry Kissinger, regardless of what you think about him in this he was right. (I personally don’t think much of him) The following is in “The Coming Anarchy” by Robert Kaplan:

” ‘The true conservative,’ Kissinger wrote, ‘is not at home, in social struggle. He will attempt to avoid unbridgeable schism, because he knows that a stable social structure thrives not on triumphs but on reconciliations.’ The Republican majority in Congress and the religious right are thus not true conservatives (written decades ago). A true conservative is in fact a hesitant progressive: he or she seeks to slow change when society is reforming too fast and to instigate moderate change when society is not reforming at all. . . . .”      

“The dangers inherent in fast social transformation are so great,’ Kissinger wrote, ‘that demands for universal justice are ill-informed”.

Kissinger also said: “Every statesman must attempt to reconcile what is considered just with what is considered possible. What is considered just depends on the domestic structure of his state; what is possible depends on its resources, geographic position and determination, and on the resources, determination and domestic structure of the other states.” Lost liberals on those points. They are focused on important issues like men having periods and women having erections and 2+2=5 and genitally mutilating children. The left hasn’t a clue about Kissinger’s statements. That is why they will crash and burn and take the nation with them if we don’t separate.


The philosophy and goals of communism made the clash between America and China inevitable but our China problems started in earnest with Richard Nixon. That is where we took the wrong fork in the road. Let’s do a quick look at the situation.

There are two Chinas. The PRC (People’s Republic of China) and the ROC (Republic of China). The ROC consists of the island of Taiwan and the PRC consists of mainland Communist China. When the communists under Mao Zedong took control of China the then leader of China, Chiang Kai-shek, fled to Taiwan and established what is known as a government in exile. We recognized Taiwan as China and did not recognize mainland China as they were communist. Chiang Kai-shek was no prize. He was virtually a dictator but he was not communist so we sided with him as we often did, and do, in these cases. As I said our China problems started in earnest with Richard Nixon. When Dwight Eisenhower ran for President Richard Nixon was the vice presidential candidate. Nixon was a hardcore anticommunist and was on the House Committee of UnAmerican Activities. Later Nixon when running for President made comments that hinted he would be open to thawing relations with the PRC. (While in high school, even though I was anticommunist, I always thought that to ignore a nation the size of China was unrealistic.) Anyway, when Nixon was elected President he went to China. The first President to do so in decades. He went with his National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger who was considered a  sleaze to some or a brilliant negotiator to others.. Kissinger had secretly made contact with China the year before and paved the way.  There are those that think he was the instigator encouraging Nixon to begin relations with China. It is no secret that American corporations had long looked upon China with greed lust thinking about the cheap labor and the large numbers of consumers and they salivated at the prospect of doing business with China. Nixon’s visit to China began the thawing of relations.


The main sleazy move to “Ferengi status” by the GOP was actually not the Republican Party’s conscious fault it was intentional by corporate business. Republicans just naively went along. People vote for what or who they identify with. We call it identity politics. The name has just become vogue and into common use but identity politics has been around since there have been politicians. The average voter was white and middle class. The middle class American raised on cowboy movies identified with the good guy sheriff type. There just happened to be someone like that, Ronald Reagan.  Problem was Ronald Reagan was a liberal Democrat so he was taken under the wings of General Electric and educated or programmed or indoctrinated or whatever you want to call it. When it has a hidden motive or goal they are all basically the same. I am not saying it is always bad but it is what it is regardless of how you try to disguise it or rationalize it. There is a good book called The Education of Ronald Reagan: The General Electric Years and the Untold Story of his Conversion to Conservatism”  by Thomas W. Evans. The following is from his own description of the book. The link to his entire article is: https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/32681  His words:

 “In my book, The Education of Ronald Reagan: The General Electric Years and the Untold Story of his Conversion to Conservatism, I trace Reagan’s evolution from liberal to conservative, from actor to politician. The changes took place during the time when he served as host of the General Electric Theater on television. His contract also called for him to spend  a quarter of his eight years (1954-1962) with the company touring the forty states and 139 plants of GE’s far-flung decentralized corporate domain, addressing 250,000 employees and their neighbors.

“When he joined GE in 1954, Reagan was a Democrat and a self-described “New Dealer to the core.” One of the early photos in the book shows him at the White House – the Truman White House — where he was thanked by the president for his strong support in the 1948 election. He had been a leader and organizer of California’s “Labor for Truman.” He was then serving as president of the Screen Actors Guild, which opposed “Right-to-Work” laws. Two years later, he supported Democrat Helen Gahagan Douglas in her U. S. Senate contest against Republican Richard Nixon. In 1952, he backed the Republican candidate for president, but as a Democrat for Eisenhower.”


I think Reagan turning Republican was the crown jewel of achievement of indoctrination and programming by American business up to that time. Even greater than the television commercials that have programed the masses of Americans glued to their tv sets for hours a day. Being a well known figure, the “good guy” sheriff type and a former Democrat, which most middle class Americans were at that time, got him elected governor of California in 1966. Many Democrats at that time began changing to Republican including my parents and most of the middle class that lived in the bedroom communities of Southern California. (Bedroom communities were cities that consisted of mostly tracts of houses that were of only three or four styles. They were basically “cookie cutter” houses occupied by middle class labor and families, which were mostly white males and their wives and children.) The stage was set for Governor Reagan to become President Reagan. When Reagan became President he implemented what was known as the Reagan Doctrine. It took a hard line towards the Soviet Union and he came up with what he called the Strategic Defense Initiative or as some called it Star Wars. It was a network of advanced defensive and offensive weapons systems. In order to counter it the Soviets had to spend large amounts on their military. That played a large part of why the Soviets collapsed in 1991.

This is from Wikipedia and is accurate and has sources listed in the entry.

“The Reagan Administration implemented a new policy towards the Soviet Union through NSDD-32 (National Security Decision Directive) to confront the USSR on three fronts: to decrease Soviet access to high technology and diminish their resources, including depressing the value of Soviet commodities on the world market; to (also) increase American defense expenditures to strengthen the U.S. negotiating position; and to force the Soviets to devote more of their economic resources to defense. The massive American military build-up was the most visible.”

“By the late years of the Cold War, Moscow had built a military that consumed as much as 25% of the Soviet Union’s gross national product at the expense of consumer goods and investment in civilian sectors” We have the private sector to invest in businesses. The government often factored into the equation to some degree or another but the civilian sector was the basis.

Celebrity influence in political affairs is indicative of a flawed humanity. Many are razzle-dazzled by celebrities and sports figures. Numerous instances in the US are vivid. It is not limited to the US as an example the present government in Ukraine is headed by a person that had a television comedy show where he was the president of Ukraine. This was all preplanned as was the war between Ukraine and Russia. I think it was Italy that at one time elected a former prostitute to some government office. A most fitting choice.


Reagan’s policies were not the only reason the Soviet system collapsed but it did play a decisive role. The Soviets depended on oil for a large part (up to 60%) of their revenue as they still do today. The price of oil dropped and they could not maintain the military and their domestic social programs. They collapsed economically. They basically went bankrupt. The Soviets and the Chinese both were communist nations. They had different views of communism and how communism should be enacted which was known as the Sino-Soviet Rift. It became heated from time to time including occasional clashes at their borders. After Nixon’s visit to China the Soviets began to become more amenable to the American side being concerned over China’s hand being strengthened globally by relations with the United States. However they were both communist and if push came to shove they would have been side by side against America. When the Soviets collapsed the major obstacle to business outsourcing to China for cheap labor and a large market was removed. There should be no doubt about the WEF forerunners having their fingers in the pie manipulating the collapse. At that time the Soviets were in no position to come to the aid of China if things went sour with the US.  In the late 80s American businesses began outsourcing in earnest. A couple of the first were Kodak and General Electric. General Electric was the company that educated Ronald Reagan. General Electric…..Gee go figure. Bankrupting the Soviet Union was another example of doing the right thing but not the correct thing. After the Soviet Union collapsed we just went our merry, prideful, oblivious way which planted the seeds of the problems of today and allowed them to germinate and grow. Again stupid us.

I voted Trump last time (2016) but this time (2020) I am voting FOR Trump more so than just against the Democrats. (I voted FOR him in 2024 also. That is probably no surprise to you.) The reason is because of what he represents and what he made possible, now more vividly than ever, a second chance for America. Michael Moore said it was the conservative way of flipping the finger to the establishment. He represents an America that was the number one innovator, number one in public education, number one in manufacturing, number one in literacy, number one in standard of living for the average citizen, number one in leisure time and activities, number one in entertainment, number one in science, number one in consumer goods; automobiles and televisions being two examples. (In the 1960s the United States had more television sets and automobiles that did not work or run than any other country had that did.) He represents an America that was not perfect but was trying to identify and correct the wrongs. He represents a nation that was the leader in the space race and landing a man on the moon.  He also brought to light the hatred and dishonesty of the left and the extent of infiltration by the communists. A hatred and dishonesty that was concealed behind their past record and their present soothing words and smiling faces which we know often hide lies. He unmasked that hatred and brought to light the termite fifth columnists that bore from within. He uncovered the racism and irrationality of the left hidden behind massive welfare programs and the noble but hollow words of leftist rhetoric. He made many aware of the destruction of the black communities that was done by the Democrats under the guise of help. If the liberals want to help they should stop helping that would start helping immediately. I would like to thank the left for their dishonesty in the 2020 election and their hatred of Trump. Had they not shown their true nature Trump may have won and the extent of their dishonesty and corruption may not have been uncovered. If they then won the 2024 election they could have continued their purposefully planned destruction with many that are awake now not having become aware of the situation.


The hatred started before Trump took office. Up until the time he went into politics most of those that hate him now liked him then. He was warmly welcomed on various television programs. Both Whoopie Goldberg and Oprah Winfrey liked him. He was never considered a racist. After being elected all that changed. There was talk of impeachment before he took office. From there the hatred became worse and worse and worse. The conniving of the Democrats with a phony Russian Dossier and the FBI trying to set him up were just the tip of the iceberg. It has since come to light the dossier was a lie. and government agencies were trying to set him up  General Flynn was set up also. General Flynn was an honorable 33 year career military veteran that happened to like Trump and America.. (It makes you realize how easy it is to set someone up. Might be what has caused our present military command to become so corrupt and anti American.) The Russian dossier that was used to tie Trump to Russian collusion has been proven to be false and the Mueller investigation proved to be a fraud. (The just released Durham report exonerates him even more.) They were spying on him. He accused them of it and they denied it. It has been shown he was spied on and they just continue lying about it. Then there was the Brett Kavanaugh sideshow confirmation hearings complete with many bearing false witness. Then the absurd impeachment circus. There is now an ongoing pandemic that came from China and they are so obsessed with hating him they are politicizing a plague. They are doing all they can to keep the US economy moribund and validating violence and destruction with the hopes it will hurt President Trump. They are talking investigation and impeachment in the midst of a national crises that consists of a pandemic, an economic meltdown, cities being burned down and businesses looted (their fault.) and a growing Chinese threat that grows each day and they keep undermining the nation.

I don’t think the plague was an accident. If you look back I quoted a couple of passages from “The China Threat” published in 2000 which told of a book written by two Chinese army colonels advocating biological and chemical warfare. Also the Chinese military believing the decade between 2020 and 2030 would be their “dangerous decade.” The decade when we could no longer ignore their growing economic and military threat but they were not sure they could beat us in a direct confrontation. Trump upset the apple cart. They would prefer the Democrats in office that would continue to ignore and downplay their growing threat. The Democrats are all but handing the country to our enemies. Remember Obama gave $150 billion dollars to Iran much of which was spent on weapons. Biden gave the Taliban weapons that included helicopters. Trump’s policies and tariffs placed China’s goal of global domination in jeopardy. The Democrats complained about his attempting to get a more equitable trade agreement for us. We send $500 billion a year to China buying their goods and they send $150 billion a year to us buying our goods. We are losing each year. This plague that came from China has collapsed the economy of the US and the Western world and given the Democrats a foot in the door to win back the presidency. (They did but it was a stolen election.)


The Democrats have many believing Trump is a racist, a xenophobe, a sexist, an Islamophobe and anti immigrant. He is none of those things. The left twists everything he says to pander to those with lower intellectual capacity and higher emotional levels. One excellent and recent example is he did not advocate drinking bleach or injecting Lysol but the liberals say he did. Another is on forest fire prevention by raking up some of the dead wood and other dry tinder material. The left made fun of him by inferring he advocated raking with a hand held garden rake. The rake he was referring to is huge and is attached to a tractor much like a plow is and it must weigh a ton. They blame him for the virus when it was in China where it originated and it benefits them and China. He placed a travel ban on people coming from China on Jan 30 while the Democrats criticized him for it for weeks. I would say if anyone had motive, means and opportunity it would be the Chinese and the Democrats. I have made a substantial list in the next Essay (9) of things that benefited both the Chinese and the Democrats. The Democrats fully expected Hillary to win two terms and the system would collapse in the second term and they could possibly declare martial law with them frozen in power, or, their vision of a New World Order would emerge with them being beneficiaries but Trump’s win jeopardized that. Things did not go as expected. They did not lose but they did not win completely either. The West hasn’t lost but it hasn’t won. The Democrat’s actions on heavy handed dictatorial powers in the quarantine lock down and their flippant attitude to rioting, looting, arson and murder shows what to expect if they win in November. With their blind hatred and obsession they cannot be allowed to regain control of the White House. If they win in November 2024 we have only one option at this point. The military having been compromised eliminated them as an option.


As I said I am going to vote for him this election. He is exactly what was needed at the time and what we need now. He turned the light on in the cellar and the roaches and rats scrambled. I admit he is not a polished politician and often is abrasive upsetting many on the left. Everything upsets the emotionally unstable. Often when he tweeted I and many others that voted Trump often cringed. What he tweets has often been things the left could use as ammunition against him. Trump is sometimes his own worst enemy as we all are from time to time.

Trump might do well to think about the message in Aesop’s fable of The Eagle and the Arrow: “Looking down upon the Arrow with which it had been pierced, it found that the shaft of the Arrow had been feathered with one of its own plumes. “Alas!” it cried, as it died, “We often give our enemies the means for our own destruction.” My advice to those that support Trump is if he loses to Biden, in 2020 to seriously rethink our position and future remaining with the blue states. It will be obvious the election was tainted. (It is obvious it was and California’s recall election of Gavin Newsom was rigged also.) (So was Katie Lake’s election loss in Arizona.) There is no way the Democrats won legitimately in the California recall unless the majority of the population is unsmart and no legitimate way Lake lost in Arizona. Hillary was calling for Biden. if he lost, to NOT concede ever but after the election the left is up in arms over Trump’s questioning the election. I personally think they are pushing for widespread violence and civil war making the few cities going up in smoke now seem like small campfires. , If in power this would give them the ability, and many would think the authority, to declare martial law and/or possibly call in UN peacekeepers. I would also say about foreign collusion that the Chinese and Democrats would be the biggest “colluders.” They  both have something to gain with Trump’s defeat and I would not put anything past the left. The Democrats will have basically stuffed the ballot boxes. It will only get worse. In Essay 9A there are some links to problems with mail in voting which they plan to cheat by. (This was written before the election.) I started here at the end of 8 with a link to a U.S News and World Report by Peter Roff of . Title: “Al Franken May Have Won His Seat Through Voter Fraud.”



Is Trump perfect? No but his reelection will prevent the nation from moving to a leftist dystopian nightmare and buy us some time to rethink and regroup.

Added April 2023. Two final nails in the coffin. The arrest of Trump in New York on 34 bogus charges by a politically motivated District Attorney in an 80% Democrat city with a predominately left wing, biased grand jury is a nail in the coffin as to the red and blue areas remaining united. Another nail driven at the same time is the economic partnership just forged by China, Saudi Arabia and Brazil to dump the dollar as currency in trade payments which is going to make our money much less valuable on a world stage. We are going to be poorer thanks to the left.


Bottom line on this there is no choice. It is him or disaster.